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Learning English with Thomas
Acronyms are Pronounceable
T : Thomas  F : Felix To tell acronyms from other short forms 認識何謂首字母縮略詞 F : Hi Thomas! Good morning! T : How are you doing lately, Felix? F : Not bad, thanks. T : I was so curious, what are you looking for on your phone? F : I just received a list of English letters here sent to my phone, from my friend Peter, asking me to guess which ones are acronyms. Do take a look. T : Ah right. Why don’t you read each one out aloud. F : (saying each one aloud) SARS, COVID-19, LASER, WHO, IG, HSBC, KFC, WFH, RSVP, ASAP. T : So, you’re saying all these letters one by one, but that’s not always the way people say some of them. We shouldn’t say all short forms by uttering each and every letter separately, like what you did. Take the first three you named. We should pronounce each of them like we pronounce any other English word, as a word in each case and not as separate letters. Take these three as examples: Sars; Covid nineteen; layser. These are called acronyms. F : Very clear now. Thanks a lot F :Thomas老師,早上好! T : Felix,你近來好嗎? F :不錯,謝謝。 T : 我很想知道,你在手機上找尋甚麼東西? F :我的朋友Peter剛剛傳送了幾組英文字給我,叫我猜一猜哪些是「首字母縮略詞」(acronyms)。你看一看。 T : 原來如此。不如你順序大聲讀出來。 F :(大聲說出每一個字母)SARS,COVID-19, L A S E R , W H O , I G , H S B C , K F C , W F H , RSVP,ASAP。 T : 剛才你是將每組字逐個英文字母讀出來,但人們通常不會這樣讀的,把每一個單詞的英文字母逐個讀出來並不恰當,像你那樣。有些詞應該用平日處理英文單詞的讀法(即以一個詞為單位)去發音,譬如首三個例子:Sars;Covid nineteen; Layser。它們都稱為「首字母縮略詞」。 F :我現在明白了。謝謝。
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400 400 醫社同心 2
每年學校新學年開始後不久,都會收到很多電話和電郵查詢,就是有關學校學生在學習上的問題。大部分的這些查詢,都是來自小學生的家長,也有些是來自學校社工或教師,他們都會詢問學生在學習上遇到困難之有關事情,懷疑他們背後有些未被診斷的情況,在沒有處理下影響學習,希望讓他們接受評估,深入了解學習障礙背後的原因, 讓他們能夠適時接受介入及治療,另外診斷也為家長和學校提供詳細資料,讓學校能夠好好處理學生的學習問題,為學生預早制定個人化的教育計劃,為他們的特殊教育需要提供課程上的調適,使他們能夠獲得合適的資源,減少問題為學習帶來的困難和挫折。   常見特殊教育需要( S p e c i a l Educational Needs, SEN)的其中一個重要原因,是發展障礙,例子包括智力障礙、自閉症譜系障礙、專注力不足過度活躍症、讀寫障礙等。除了發展障礙之外,假如學生患有精神病或情緒病,導致影響學習的能力和表現,也可被視為有特殊教育需要。以上的發展障礙問題和精神心理問題,有不同程度之分,情況較輕微的,可能仍然能夠應付基本的學習需要,但假如情況嚴重,或有多重障礙,學生的學習能力便會大受影響。   經過評估和診斷後,學生需要接受相關的治療。有些家長猶豫是否讓學生見醫生和接受評估,因為他們可能以為得到診斷等於需要接受藥物治療,其實這是一種誤解。有時候,家長又害怕學生得到診斷後可能會被其他同學標籤、歧視或排擠,所以寧願用其他方式處理目前學習的問題,例如不斷安排補習,以補足成績上的問題。假如學生的問題明顯或嚴重,他們需要來自學校一定程度的調適,才能全面地處理問題,希望家長不會對安排學生進行評估有太多憂慮。有些發展障礙和精神心理問題,愈早診斷和介入會較理想,假如延誤了診斷和治療,可能對學生有更差的後果。 重點: 1. 常見特殊教育需要(Special Educational Needs, SEN)的其中一個重要原因,是發展障礙,例子包括智力障礙、自閉症譜系障礙、專注力不足過度活躍症、讀寫障礙等。 2. 除了發展障礙之外,假如學生患有精神病或情緒病,導致影響學習的能力和表現, 也可被視為有特殊教育需要。 3. 假如學生的問題明顯或嚴重,他們需要來自學校一定程度的調適,才能全面地處理問題,希望家長不會對安排學生進行評估有太多憂慮。
Stories Behind Popular Sayings
Drum up
This year's Dragon Boat Festival was celebrated on the 3rd of June. Traditionally, dragon boat races are held during this festive time. To help the crew to reach the finish line, a drummer beats a drum to keep the rowers in unison and to maintain morale.   A drum is a percussion instrument which is used to keep a steady beat and create a rhythmic feel in a song. What other uses does a drum have? It can also be used in ceremonies, military processions, and even to send messages over long distances.   In the mid-1800s, the phrase " drum up " appeared in the USA. Its meaning is to try to attract customers and supporters by persistent persuasion. At that time, travelling salesmen in the South kept their wares in a wooden box clad with leather. To let houseowners on a plantation know that they were coming up the road, they would drum on the box with a set of drumsticks. For example:   Her new job is to drum up business.   The teacher hopes to drum up enough students to form a swimming team.   今年的端午節在新曆6月3日慶祝。傳統上,這個節慶日子裡會舉行龍舟賽。為了幫助隊員抵達終點,鼓手不停擊鼓,令划手動作一致及保持士氣。   鼓是敲擊樂器,用來在歌曲中保持穩定的節拍,以及予人韻律和諧的感覺。鼓還有哪些其他用途?它也可用於典禮、軍隊巡遊,甚至是向遠方發出信息。   18世紀中旬,「drum up」這個短語在美國出現。它的意思是試圖透過持久的遊說,吸引顧客和支持者。當時,美國南方的旅行推銷員把貨品存放在一個用皮革包裹著的木箱。為了讓種植園上的屋主知道他們正沿著道路走上來,他們會用一副鼓槌敲擊箱子。例如:   她的新工作是拉(drum up)生意。   老師希望召集到(drum up)足夠的學生來組成一支游泳隊。  
Stories Behind Popular Sayings
Lightbulb moment
If you look around, what types of electric lights can you see? In modern society, the most common electric lights are incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and LED lamps. Of these three, incandescent light bulbs have the longest history. This technology completely changed people's daily lives in the late 19th century and dominated the lighting industry in the 20th century.   In terms of symbolism, a light bulb often represents a clever idea because its invention was revolutionary. Thus, the expression " lightbulb moment " means a moment when you suddenly realise something or have new inspiration. For example: In a lightbulb moment, the mathematician came up with a ground-breaking equation.   However, the origin of the phrase is said to be related to an illuminated light bulb above a cat's head in a comic strip. Some scholars suggested that this figurative meaning was first expressed in " Felix the Cat " , a children's comedy cartoon created during the silent film era.   In recent decades, incandescent light bulbs have been replaced by LED lights, which are cheaper, more durable, and more environmentally friendly.   如果你四下張望,你看到哪些種類的電燈?在現代城市裡,最常見的電燈是鎢絲燈、螢光燈和LED燈。三者之中,鎢絲燈的歷史最悠久。這種科技在19世紀末完全改變了人們的日常生活,並且在20世紀支配了照明業。   就象徵意義而言,燈泡通常表示聰明的想法,因為燈泡的發明具有變革意義。因此, 「light bulb moment」這個語句的意思是,你突然有所領悟或得到新啟發。例如: 在靈光一現(light bulb moment)中,數學家想出了一個石破天驚的方程式。   然而,這個語句據說是源於連環漫畫中一隻貓頭上的一盞明亮燈泡。有些學者提出,這個比喻意義最初見於默片時代創作的兒童卡通喜劇──「菲力貓」。   近幾十年來,鎢絲燈泡已經被LED燈取代,因為後者更便宜、更耐用,而且更環保。