
Stories Behind Popular Sayings
Hold a candle to
A lot of Catholic schools may have already started to celebrate Advent as a preparation for Christmas. The most common decorations are four candles in the wreath to represent each of the four weeks of Advent. The first, second and fourth candles are purple, whereas the third one is pink.  While a candle implies so many meanings in Catholic tradition, its basic meaning is unquestionably light. When the expressions " hold a candle to " first appeared in the 16th century, it literally meant assisting someone by holding the candle while he worked. Before electric lights were invented, craftsmen would ask their apprentices, probably children, to hold candles close enough while they were working in a dark place.  As holding a candle to your master is such a simple job, this phrase also means helping in a subordinate position. In modern English, this expression is more commonly used in a negative form. For example,  David's latest story book cannot hold a candle to his earliest publications.  She sings well, but she is not able to hold a candle to Anita Mui.  很多天主教學校也許已經開始慶祝將臨期,以準備聖誕節。最常見的裝飾品是在花環中擺放四支蠟燭,代表將臨期四週的每一週。第一、第二與第四支蠟蠋是紫色的,而第三支是粉紅色的。 雖然蠟燭在天主教傳統中含有這麼多的意義,但是它的基本意義毫無疑問就是光。當「hold a candle to」這個語句在16世紀初次出現的時候,它的字面意義是:你在某人工作時拿著蠟燭從旁協助。在電燈發明之前,當工匠在黑暗的地方工作,他們會吩咐學徒,很可能是兒童,拿著蠟燭靠近他們。 由於給你的師傅拿蠟燭是這樣簡單的工作,因此這個語句也解作以下屬的身份給予幫助。在現代英語,這個說法較常以否定的形式出現。例如:  大衛的最新故事書比不上(cannot hold a candle to)其最早期的刊物。 她唱得不錯,但是與梅艷芳不能相比(not able to hold a candle to)。     捐款支持公教報  http://kkp.org.hk/donation  
Stories Behind Popular Sayings
Blue-collar and white-collar
The shortage of blue-collar workers in the world has sparked a wage boom. What types of jobs does " blue-collar " refer to?  Blue-collar jobs involve manual labour which needs strength or physical skill. Those who work in this type of employment are considered as members of the working class.  The term was first used in the U.S.A in the 1920s, when manual workers often wore blue overalls or blue work shirts. Since they worked in coal mines, construction sites or manufacturing factories, darker colours helped them to hide dirt and appear cleaner.  In contrast, the term " white-collar " , which also first appeared in the early 20th century, refers to non-manual work in an office setting of an administrative, managerial, or clerical nature. White-collar workers wore clean, ironed white shirts.  Nowadays, the line between these two colours is getting more and more blurred. Many blue-collar positions, such as gas plant operators, require higher educational qualifications with specialised training. On the other hand, many white-collar staff, such as electrical engineers, are sent to factories to build machines to do automated jobs. Which colour of collar do you prefer?  全球藍領工人短缺激發工資急升。到底「藍領」(blue-collar)指的是從事甚麼類型的工作? 藍領工作涉及需要力氣或身體技能的體力勞動工作。從事這類職業的人士被視為工人階級的一分子。 「藍領」這個術語於20年代在美國初次使用。當時,勞動工人常常穿藍色工作服或藍色工作襯衫。因為他們在煤礦、建築工地或製造業工廠裡工作,所以深一點顏色的衣服有助他們遮掩塵垢,看起來較清潔。 相反,「白領」一詞(white-collar)也是在20世紀初首次出現,指的是在辦公室行政、管理或文書的非體力勞動工作。白領工人穿著乾淨且熨平的白色襯衣。 今天,這兩個顏色的工人階層之間的界線愈來愈模糊。許多藍領職位,例如煤氣廠操作員,需要求更高學歷和專門訓練;另一方面,許多白領員工,例如電機工程師,被派往工廠建造機器,以進行自動化工作。你喜歡哪一種顏色的工人階層呢?      捐款支持公教報  http://kkp.org.hk/donation  
Stories Behind Popular Sayings
A watched pot never boils
Is it really true that when you watch a pot over a hot stove, it does not boil at all? Of course not. The boiling container may even catch you by surprise if you stay too close to it. Therefore, you need to be very careful so that you will not get scalded by the boiling water. Does the proverb " a watched pot never boils " make sense at all?  Normally, it takes about 8 to 10 minutes to boil 1 litre of water in a pot. It does not sound a long time, does it? However, if you simply stare at nothing more than a pot of water getting to boil, it really is a boring task. Not many people have the patience and interest. The proverbial expression " a watched pot never boils " means that time feels longer when you are anxiously waiting for something to happen.  The origin of this phrase goes back to the 18th century. Benjamin Franklin, an American polymath, used it in a report:  " … I was very hungry; it was so late; 'a watched pot is slow to boil,' …. "  當你看著火爐上的鍋時,鍋裡的水是否真的一點也不沸騰?當然不是。倘若你靠得太近這個沸騰的容器,它甚至能嚇你一跳。因此,你必須非常小心,以免被沸水燙傷。A watched pot never boils這個諺語是否講得通呢?  一般說來,需要8至10分鐘才能煮滾一鍋一公升水。這聽起來時間不長,是嗎?可是,如果你光是盯著一鍋水慢慢地煮滾,那麼,這件工作真的沉悶。具有耐心和興趣的人並不太多。A watched pot never boils這個諺語的意思是,當你焦急地等待一些事情發生時,你會感到時間很漫長。 這語句的來源追溯到18世紀。美國一位學識淵博的人物本傑明•富蘭克林曾在報告中寫道:  「……我很餓;天已經很晚;『時間過得很慢……(a watched pot is slow to boil)』……。」     捐款支持公教報  http://kkp.org.hk/donation  
400 400 專題報導
大角嘴天主教小學 智趣樂遊區 寄學習於娛樂
(本報專題)為甚麼大角嘴天主教小學五年級的晉晞源可以在上課時間玩打地鼠遊戲?原來他在示範「智趣樂遊區」中的「互動地板投射」活動。晞源一看到題目「選出遵守十誡的行為」,便身手敏捷地在「孝順父母」、「說同學的壞話」、「說粗言穢語」中,雙腳齊跳到正確答案中,盡顯他對十誡的熟悉。 校園內這塊互動地板設置了不同投影遊戲, 讓教師配合科目設計內容,學生能寄學習於娛樂。例如在數學科,學生可以玩加法算數的遊戲,又可以與同學比賽,鬥快選出數字的倍數;中文科遊戲考驗學生對修辭手法的理解;體育科有球類遊戲;音樂科則可以彈地面鋼琴等。 互動地板於本年9月新學年啟用, 校方已陸續安排學生試用它。六年級生楊竣雄在數學課中, 學習平方、立方、體積等基本知識後,便在教師帶領下到互動地板玩遊戲。在與同學比賽時,當然緊張刺激,也加深了竣雄對以上課題的認識。 STEAM Wall 學習工程、數學、電腦知識 「智趣樂遊區」由學校的小禮堂改建而成, 小禮堂以往是家長接學生放學的等候區,或學生小息休息的地方。這次改建除了增設互動地板外,也在牆壁上畫滿太空人、火箭等太空主題, 更添置了「STEAM Wall」,透過實驗遊戲,讓學生學習工程、數學、電腦等知識。 楊竣雄在介紹STEAM Wall的「齒輪模組區」時說,「我們可以組合不同大小的齒輪模組,學習它們的運作。」 徐健業老師說,STEAM包括工程的教學, 但這部份難於平日的課堂中示範給學生看;而藉著齒輪模組區,學生可以組合不同大小的齒輪模組,學習如何透過齒輪改變轉速和運動方向,具體地認識齒輪比等相關知識。 在齒輪模組區的下方有「交通吊橋區」,學生晉晞源透過Micro:bit控制吊橋的升降時說: 「吊橋有一個感應器,如果吊橋過度傾斜,影響橋上車輛的安全,Sensor便會發出響聲。」 風速氣流區 認識風力能源 在STEAM Wall,學生亦可學習風力發電的原理。五年級的何浩林走近「風速氣流區」時,感應器偵測到有人接近便會自動啟動裝置。來到裝置前,他把黃色及藍色的球放進去,球便隨著氣流移動。過程中,浩林便應用數學科知識,計算風速。 徐老師補充說,風力是常用的環保能源,學生透過這裝置, 能夠觀察到風如何帶動物體移動,有助學生認識風能。 電子學習 多元化活動 「智趣樂遊區」內的互動地板和STEAM Wall是大角嘴天主教小學較新的裝置,其實該校一直嘗試在教學中引入電子學習,例如在高年級的體育科中,攝錄每組同學運動的過程,再由另一組學生互評,並針對動作提出改善建議;宗教科教學生用網上程式查閱聖經;視藝科亦用程式欣賞名畫,或遙距離參觀藝術館。 副校長潘偉強說,在新型冠狀病毒疫情下,學生在音樂課不能吹牧童笛,所以教師亦讓學生回家拍攝吹笛的影片,並上載給老師評閱,「電子學習彌補了課堂上不能做的活動」。 「玩是小朋友的天性。」校長周德輝說智趣遊樂區「除了讓學生玩,還有很多學習元素。」他提到智趣遊樂區有一個大型LED螢幕,教師與學生進行活動後,可以即時教學,加深印象;學生也可借用電視機做分組匯報, 「這就像一個智能課室。」 嶄新的科技和設備有助孩子學習,但不變的是教育工作者背後傳道授業的心,這也是大角嘴天主教小學推動電子學習的理念。(吳)       捐款支持公教報  http://kkp.org.hk/donation