
400 400 心讀
你聽過度度鳥、猛獁象和劍齒虎嗎?這些史前動物都已經絕種了。試想想,如果這些物種仍然存在,我們可以在哪裡看見牠們?這次我們共讀繪本中的主角,便是一隻度度鳥,原來牠仍然活在我們中間,且聽聽牠娓娓道出這個天大的祕密。   故事由一隻鳥兒講述:我告訴你們一個秘密,我是一隻度度鳥(Dodo),只是偽裝成其他雀鳥,度度鳥還沒有絕種,我們只是四處匿藏。當你變得稀有又知名,便有很多人前來索取照片和簽名,我們不喜歡這種名人的生活,所以只好偽裝過活。有時候我們會溜進企鵝群裡,我有一個叔叔甚至會扮成鴕鳥。除了度度鳥,還有很多「已絕種」的動物其實還在外面溜達。你有聽過猛獁象(Mammoth),即長毛象嗎?他們只是把自己的長毛剃掉,混雜在普通大象中。相反,劍齒虎(Saber-toothed tiger╱Smilodon)則要蓄起長長的鬍鬚,遮蓋長又尖的牙齒。同學們都以為他不苟言笑, 他從來不會在合照中露出笑容,其實是因為他怕會露出馬腳。類似的動物還有很多,你聽過斑驢(Quagga)這個名字嗎?他們的前半身像斑馬,後半身則像一匹馬。所以他們有時會穿上黑白條子長褲來裝成斑馬, 或是穿上褐色的毛衣來扮馬。翼手龍(Pterodactyl)有時會戴上大鳥嘴裝成鵜鶘。仔細看看,你還可以看到巨齒鯊(Megalodon)、摩亞鳥(Moa)、塔斯曼尼亞袋狼(Tasmanian Tiger)、旅鴿(Passenger Pigeon)、大海燕(Great Auk)和愛爾蘭大角鹿(Giant Irish Elk)等。不要忘了,恐龍才是最佳的偽裝高手,他們已不知不覺融入了人類世界,他們有的是車長,有的是醫生和工程師,有的甚至扮成起重機和挖土機。只要仔細觀察,或許你也會發現這些史前動物,就在你的眼前。   共讀指引   《Dodos Are Not Extinct》是結合科學知識與幻想的繪本。史前生物早已滅絕,是不爭的事實,作者卻以「度度鳥還沒有滅絕」的相反論調為題,引發讀者的好奇心,吸引注意力,再以豐富的想像力,猜想若然這些動物仍然存在,會怎樣偽裝自己,活在現今的世界裡。光是想想長毛象剃掉長毛扮成普通大象,劍齒虎用長鬍鬚遮蓋長牙裝成普通老虎,已讓人忍俊不禁。這種愉快的想像對孩子來說是種樂事,啟發孩子的想像力可以增加生活樂趣。以輕鬆手法引起興趣,再探究有關史前動物的科學知識,也肯定事半工倍。家長跟孩子共讀繪本以後,既可以探索科學知識,也可以拓展想像,想想在日常生活中哪些物件像是動物的「偽裝」,你又希望哪些動物能參與人類的活動。   童心讀繪本 哥兒倆讀過繪本,分享了他們的想法:   我對這些動物不大感興趣,既然牠們已經絕種了,我又不是古生物學家,也沒有必要認識牠們了。不過,我留意到有一個同學的樣子跟猴子很相像,難道他是由猴子裝成的?   以幽默想像引發讀者對史前生物的興趣,的確是聰明的方法。我對巨齒鯊最感興趣,牠的身型比鯨魚更巨大,咬合力高達三十多噸,是古今動物之最。我不希望史前動物復活,如果牠們復活,隨時會帶來災難。   《Dodos Are Not Extinct》   作者/ 繪者: Paddy Donnelly 出版社: Yeehoo Press ISBN : 978-1953458209  
400 400 embrace
Embrace the power of core value
Love is never rude and selfish (1 Cor. 13:5)
Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a good friend? How can we ensure that everyone feels included and valued in our friendship and activities? In this passage, we explore the themes of friendship, empathy, and inclusivity.   Lily, Rose, and Daisy are discussing about whether they should ride bicycles. Lily and Rose are excited about riding, but Daisy doesn't have a bicycler. Lily and Rose tease Daisy, saying that they win because they outnumbered her. While Lily and Rose are having fun, Daisy feels left out. However, when their mom asks Rose if she would like to be excluded from a family holiday, Rose realises what she and Lily did was wrong. Rose apologises to Daisy and suggests playing a game that all of them enjoy.   After reading the story, children of Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School were inspired by the themes of friendship, empathy, and inclusivity. P.1 student inspired to be more mindful of others' needs, to treat their friends with kindness and understanding, and to find solutions that are inclusive and fair. It encourages them to foster strong friendship based on empathy and to create an inclusive a n d s u p p o r t i v e environment where everyone feels valued and included.   Message Love means caring for people’s feelings. Inclusive and supportive environment fosters stronger relationships among one another.   Action Considering others and taking proactive steps to ensure that everyone feels valuable and included in the group.   Glossary Empathy (noun) : The ability to understand and share the feelings, emotions, and experiences of others, often leading to a sense of compassion and kindness towards them. 同感 Inclusivity (noun) : The practice or policy of including and accommodating all individuals, regardless of their differences or limitations, and ensuring equal opportunities for participation. 包容性 Foster (verb) : Help the growth or development of (sth). 培養  
400 400 embrace
Embrace the power of core value
"Love is always patient and kind.” (1 Corinthians 13:4)
Have you ever felt loneliness when you are in a new and unfamiliar environment? Asha is a newcomer to school. Seeing her schoolmates playing around and hearing the laughter, she is longing for a sense of comfort to get rid of the anxiety deep inside her heart. Without the courage to take the first step to approach others, she is just sitting on the bench all by her lonesome during recess.   Rose and Lily have God’s words of “love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:31) in their hearts and they feel Asha’s needs. They realise Asha’s desire for company. A friend in need is a friend indeed. “Shall we be together during recess?” Rose and Lily asked Asha. Asha looks up and immediately says yes. Rose and Lily are the angels and their invitation is just like a warm welcoming message from God of “Do not be afraid, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10). Rose and Lily become Asha’s friends and they show Asha around the campus and share their precious moments of school life together. “It’s very kind of you. I feel blessed to have you as my friends,” says Asha with tears running from her eyes. From now on, Asha fears nothing,and enjoys her school life with Rose and Lily.   After reading the story, the students of JVSJ were so inspired that they shared their own experiences of helping others at school. A P.2 student shared about helping a P.1 student find his lost water bottle. It made him content just to see the younger student's grateful smile. He remembered how someone had helped him, and that was why he wanted to do the same for others.   Being kind to others does make a difference. Kind deeds are like ripples that pay forward. Let's make our world a better place by showing kindness to one another.   Message Kindness is an act of love. Being kind also means caring for the poor and the needy, for God wants us to be kind to one another.   Action Do one good deed a day. Look around and feel around. There should be someone who needs help from others. Be God’s messenger of love and kindness to reach out your helping hand to those who are in need.   Glossary Courage (noun) The ability to do something despite having fear 勇氣 Laughter (noun) The act or sound of laughing 笑聲 Lonesome (noun) Self 自己   The story is taken from CEO Project 1.0 - Love (Level 1) Unit 2 Playing with a New Friend
400 400 embrace
Embrace the power of core value
“ Bear with one another charitably, in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience. ” (Ephesians 4:2)
In a cozy little town, there lived a young boy named William and his elder sister, Rose. William was a curious and imaginative child who loved to learn. One day, William came home from school with a task assigned by his teacher : to draw his favourite toys. William was not sure of where to begin so he asked his elder sister, Rose for help. Rose was known for her artistic skills and creativity. She sat beside him and helped him.   “Just draw them,” Rose said. William picked up his crayons and started drawing. However, it was not easy for him to capture the image of a red train and four soldiers. He turned to Rose for help.   “How do you draw one red train and four soldiers?” William asked for an explanation.   Rose skillfully drew a train and four soldiers on the paper. William admired her artwork and he stammered, “N-nice, but…” William asked, "Could you draw slowly, please?"   But before Rose could respond, their mother said gently, "Dear Rose, you were also slow when you were small." Their mother added, "Remember, patience is an act of love."   Rose realized that her little brother needed her patience and understanding. She then decided to slow down and explained each step to William. She encouraged William to join in, guiding his hand with care. William smiled warmly.   Message The story reminds us that Just as God patiently provides guidance and support throughout our life journey, we should also show others how much we care by being patient with them.   Action Listen attentively, understand other’s viewpoints   Glossary Cozy (adjective) giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation. 舒適 Imaginative (adjective) having or showing creativity or inventiveness. 富於想像力的 Capture (verb) to represent or describe something very accurately using words or images(用文字或圖像)表現,描繪,刻畫 Stammered (verb) speak with sudden involuntary pauses and a tendency to repeat the initial letters of words. 結結巴巴的