
kjy16_ 20240421 BIG_f
復活節「廟街耶Show」 (上)
(本報專題)不少人都會趁著復活節假期,吃喝玩樂或外遊消遣,但在剛過去的復活主日,來自六間中學和一間小學的數十名學生,卻選擇到油麻地參與由慈善團體「慈悲香港」(MercyHK) 舉辦的「廟街耶Show」福傳活動,透過街頭歌舞表演、藝術攤位和派發小禮物,向街坊和途人分享耶穌復活的喜訊和希望,為天主獻上他們的「第一次」。   由MercyHK營運的「慈悲香港食堂」店長梁美玲表示,「最適合『講耶穌』的節日就是聖誕節和復活節」,他們於去年聖誕節與教區青年合辦戶外福傳派對,反應良好,今次由中學生牽頭舉辦活動。歷時兩小時的活動,由聖保祿中學、藍田聖保祿中學、天主教母佑會蕭明中學(下稱「蕭明中學」)、聖若瑟英文中學、聖言中學、九龍聖芳濟書院和嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校合辦,從節目籌劃、內容編排到現場演出均由同學負責。蕭明中學校長郭明英修女喜見同學充滿熱誠,願意付出時間投入福傳。   歌舞表演宣揚主愛   「願復活的主耶穌降福大家身體健康,復活節快樂!」MercyHK創辦人之一的胡頌恆神父以祝福為活動展開序幕。打響頭炮的是蕭明中學,同學先教授現場觀眾一些簡單舞步,再配合讚美歌詠「Shine Jesus Shine」與觀眾一同跳舞,令全場氣氛熾熱。有份表演的中四學生李芷澄認為,活動雖處於街中一角,但透過音樂和高聲歌頌,能宣揚主已復活的訊息,更令她意識到每個微小的善舉也可能改變別人的生活,希望可延續「廟街耶show」的精神,在日常生活中實踐福傳使命。   聖保祿中學的同學則透過韓團風格的勁舞,演出宣講耶穌戰勝死亡的「Risen」等曲目,希望觀眾在欣賞節目的同時, 也明白復活節的意義。就讀中一的鄭秀慧說,這是團隊第一次在街頭表演,排練時各人均感到緊張,擔心會跳錯舞步,特別祈求天主眷顧,幸而最後也發揮穩定。   為了在這次福傳活動上獻藝,聖若瑟英文中學數名中五學生與宗教及道德教育統籌主任曾啟賢在一星期內組成「E c h o s」樂隊,隊員王祉喬解釋,隊名寓意希望他們的歌聲和所選樂曲的歌詞能帶來迴響,感染觀眾跟著一起唱。曾啟賢稱,同學不但體現了「力行仁愛」的校訓,也感受到復活節的意義:「他們以往經常遲到, 做事偶爾會有缺失,但今次很用心地做好這件事,短短數天便已完成排練,好像把舊我埋葬後,復活了。」   感受聖神臨在   藍田聖保祿中學樂隊「Eternity」雖已有多次演出經驗,但走到街頭獻唱也屬首次。中四成員曾美欣形容這是個特別的體驗:「我們平常只在學校飯堂或有蓋操場演出,觀眾都是老師和同學。今次來到廟街,可以接觸更多不同的觀眾,包括老人家、小朋友,甚至嬰孩。」她們選唱了<凡星>、<樹洞>等流行曲,前者歌詞帶出每個人都是天主心中閃耀的星星, 後者以樹洞比喻天主,讓人放心交託煩惱和憂愁。   此外,還有聖言中學的霹靂舞表演,以及蕭明中學與九龍聖芳濟書院的合唱。參與合唱的蕭明中學中五學生方梓盈謂,第一次在街頭表演難免緊張,但看著不認識的人用心聽他們唱歌,為他們打氣,使她感受到聖神的力量, 可以更放鬆地享受表演的時刻。   除了現場表演, 也有同學於當天早上預先焗製曲奇餅,拿到現場派給小朋友; 嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校的同學則協助大會向街坊派發內有日用品的「福袋」,傳遞耶穌復活的愛。會場亦設置了藝術攤位,由同學為途人繪畫人體彩繪、教小朋友裝飾復活蛋等,參與的聖保祿中學代表均說很高興能幫助福傳。藍田聖保祿中學校長王美德在活動中致辭時謂,同學們以舞蹈、歌聲和藝術分享復活節的快樂,希望街坊離開時能帶著一份內心的熾熱,在生活裡繼續感受耶穌的臨在。(黎)  
在喜樂歌韻中發光發熱 Eternity樂隊
在藍田聖保祿中學的聖誕節聯歡會上,一眾女生屏息靜氣,等待學生樂隊「Eternity」演唱。電子琴和弦劃破寂靜後,旋即由結他彈出激昂的前奏,原本安靜的女生禁不住尖叫歡呼,再加上爵士鼓的節拍,令全場氣氛進入高潮,共同細味動漫主題曲〈紅蓮華〉的歌詞, 當中克服傷痛,勇敢前行的故事,寫盡青年的成長掙扎,也是樂隊Eternity憑歌寄託的心聲。   Eternity樂隊的音樂造詣得到和應,憑著這首苦練逾一年的〈紅蓮華〉,贏得本年度全港青少年兒童音樂家大賽金獎等獎項。樂隊近年亦積極四出福傳,於今年的明愛慈善賣物會、10月舉行的傳教節及香港聖詠節2022中獻唱。   Eternity樂隊由神父及修女成立,致力傳遞天主永恆的愛,每年皆有新血加入。團員趙嘉怡雖然仍未領洗入教,「但我們深盼在傳教節中傳遞信仰,既然今年傳教節以希望為主題,我們也懷著希望彈奏樂器,分享天主帶給世人的希望與愛。」   「能夠與同學夾歌演奏,是最幸運的事。」教友團員曾美欣與很多團員一樣,昔日在公開場合總是「手騰腳震」,校方為她們安排演出機會,團員互相感染喜樂,「讓我從容,不再緊張。」   曾美欣於傳教節前生病,請了大半個月病假,「奇妙的是,表演前我的情況好轉過來,上台時也不頭暈,享受台上瞬間演出, 背後有賴老師及教友的支持。」她著力與隊員懷著喜樂的人高唱信仰歌曲,「務求令觀眾也感受到隊員的感恩之情。」   辦學團體沙爾德聖保祿女修會修女聘請導師團,每週為隊員提供樂器及音樂培訓。   隊長鄭淑慧是隊中的琴師,猶如隊中的「經理人」,總是滿腔熱誠,帶領隊員緊貼訓練及演出日程,「難得的是隊員自動投入熱血狀態,因為樂隊及其band房像一個家般舒適,大家互相信任,放鬆自己。」   Band友總是給人滿腔熱血的印象,樂隊10位隊員從沒吵架,鄭淑慧表示,「遇有甩beat,大家總是耐心重頭來過,接受對方的失誤⋯⋯『不用怕,你行的』是大家最常說的鼓勵語。」   爵士鼓講求手、眼及腳並用,鼓手們從昔日手忙腳亂,到現在揮灑自如,結他手也習得快速轉換和弦的功夫。前任隊長黃梓橦坦言天份未夠, 然而, 在導師指導及YouTube自學下,「熟習了手指肌肉記憶, 單靠反應便能轉換和弦,得獎的〈紅蓮華〉便是靠著這種指法方能應付。」她深深感受到,「享受音樂比結果更重要,因為享受音樂帶給大家喜樂。而練成一首歌,就像湊大了一個小孩子般,充滿成就感。」   主唱之一的談美忻身兼結他手,她與隊員為了練好指法,不惜彈至玉手破損起繭。面對關難,仍未領洗的她卻處處感到天主的支持, 「我們在傳教節表演信仰歌曲〈Trust in You〉需要用高音去演唱,我暗忖:自己會否走音呢?幸好上台時終於能夠克服障礙,我相信天主賜予了我能力。」   喜樂的歌韻,背後是各個隊員跨越成長困難、放下哀愁、向天主交付的故事所編寫而成。隊員魏鈺清感謝Eternity樂隊負責老師陳穎恩一直結伴同行, 「老師在我人生中黑暗而迷惘的時刻,邀請我入樂隊,讓我不再封閉,學懂勇敢表達自己想法,自信地展示塔冷通。」(鄧)  
Neither East Nor West
Communion of Saints and 經緯線
As I mentioned before, Pope Benedict will canonize St. Kateri Tekawitha on Oct 21.  Actually, he will also canonize St. Marianne Cope on the same day.  I will write about them the next 2 weeks. For now, I would like to talk about the belief of the communion of saints(諸聖相通).  We as Catholics make a big deal on saints, and rightly so.  They are the wonderful heroes and heroines of our faith.  But more than just admiring them, we believe that they are with us just as much as Jesus is truly with us every single moment and everywhere.  This is not just a figment of our imagination, though we do need our imagination to grasp the truth. It used to be that time and space were really concepts encountered only in physics and mathematics.  It is amazing that in our present time we experience it in a real sense.  40 years ago when I went from Hong Kong to the US, I wrote letters to my parents.  It took about 1 week for a letter to reach them via airmail and slower by other means.  A package from Hong Kong took about 1 month to be delivered.  (It remains about that even now.)  Back then, no one would make a long distance phone call except in an emergency.  It cost about US$10 for 3 minutes, if I remember right.  But now, you pick up your cell phone and call anywhere in the world.  Cheaper yet and even better, talk to someone anywhere in the world via SKYPE!  Time and space lose their meaning. Let me give you another awesome thought.  I do this with my students all the time.  I would ask them, while they were sitting at their desks in the classroom, “How fast are you going this moment?”  They would say, “Nowhere.”  Well, not quite true.  You see, the earth is rotating at about 25,000 miles around the equator.  It takes 24 hours for the earth to go around once.  Therefore, the earth is moving at a little more than 1,000 miles an hour at the equator.  Now, Hong Kong is not at the equator.  If you make the calculations based on the latitude of Hong Kong, you will find that it is only 23,040 miles to go around once.  That is, you would be moving at about 960 miles an hour while sitting down.  If you live in Beijing, you would be moving at about 795 miles an hour.  The further north you go, the slower you move.  Try imagining being at the North Pole or where the earth rotates around its axis.  It would take 24 hours to go around once standing still!!!  Can you stand still for 24 hours? It is with this idea of space and time being more than we can “feel” that we can say the saints are with us truly and really because once we die, and are freed from this earth, space and time no longer have meaning.  Not only are we free from them, we can be in all time and all space.  It is truly amazing to think that the Church talked about these truths before technology could emulate so that we could get a sense of it. What I am trying to say is this.  When we think of the saints, the heroes and heroines of our faith, they are truly with us, encouraging us to live a real faith.  Their stories can be our stories and more.  We get the same grace as they did.  We also get them to be our example.  We can learn from them.  And we can be with them NOW and FOR ALL ETERNITY.