
Neither East Nor West
Tempus Fugit. Time Flies.
  It is that time of the year again.  Time really flies.  A year ago my bishop called me back early from Taiwan because one of the priests was very sick and he wanted me to take over his parish for Lent(四旬期).  Reluctantly, but obediently, I came back.  Now, a year and a different parish assignment later, I am preparing to enter the beautiful Lenten season to reflect on the sublime love of Jesus. Time flies.   What does that mean?  How does it fly?  It is a figure of speech, of course, but still an interesting thought. When one is having a wonderful time, time just moves right along.  When one is having a difficult time, a painful time, it S-L-O-W-S down.  It even C-R-A-W-L-S. How about a H-E-A-V-Y thought?  How does a thought that has no “thing” gets heavy?  Or gets LIGHT? Think about a pizza!  Can you see it?  Can you weigh it in the hands of your mind?  Can you smell it?  Can you taste it?  Yet, it is not, somehow, sticking out of your head ! Think about a dumbbell or a feather. Isn’t it fascinating to WEIGH these “things”? Philosophers tell us that this is exactly what makes us human beings, this ability to think abstractly.  And abstraction is NOT UNREAL! Another related thought – MEMORY!  Think of a wonderful time or a sad time with a friend.  Is something we remember merely a thought and therefore no longer real?  It is over and only exists in our mind, so is it therefore not truly important? Think about our great-great-grandfathers.  I am sure none of you knew who they were when they were alive.  Because they lived, we are alive today.  Or, another way of looking at it, because we are here, they really lived.  We are the proof of their existence. Remember Dr. Sun Zhong Shan(孫中山先生), our national father(國父)?  Is he only a great man in history, in our memory?  Well, yes, but more.  Our very existence is different because of what he did.  The Qing Dynasty is no longer.  History is not only something that happened a long time ago.  History makes our present time the way it is.  Life has changed.  We cannot know what it would otherwise be like because we cannot undo what history has done. I was in Rome about 10 years ago.  As I was walking the streets there and thinking about the martyrs that lived 2000 years ago, the thought came to me that the martyrs are really here because without them the Church would not be here.  Blessed Pope John Paul II was a great man, but only because he stood on the shoulder of giants who followed Jesus and gave their lives for their faith.  Even the church buildings in Rome speak loudly of the faith of the martyrs.   It is this kind of REALITY we think about when we remember Jesus’ Suffering and Death during Lent.  His Passion changed the world.  When He said, at the Last Supper, “Do this in MEMORY of me!” it means much more than a thought of the event that exists now only in our mind.  The Church uses the term “RE-PRESENT”, present again.  At Mass, the Last Supper is REALLY PRESENT to us.  Isn’t that amazing? As we go through this Lenten season, I would like to suggest to you to keep this REALITY of Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection(耶穌的苦難、死亡和復活)in your daily thoughts.  Know that we are different because He did die for us.  We are different because He still loves us. Have a blessed Lent !    
Writing Standard English
  趙老師:試試改正以下句子: When they got back home, Tommy treats the tragic bird patient. 哈利:這似乎錯了兩個地方。 趙老師:哪兩個地方呢? 哈利:第一個是時式,treat 這個動詞應該用過去式(past tense),不應用現在式(present tense)。 趙老師:為甚麼用過去式? 哈利: 因為句子前半部的動詞 got 是過去式,所以後半部亦要用過去式 treated 了。 趙老師:即是說,句子前後時式(tense)要一致(consistent),對嗎? 哈利:對,老師,我說不出的理由都給你說了,謝謝! 趙老師:不用謝。第二個錯處呢? 哈利:第二個錯處是用錯詞,patient 這個字用錯了,應該是 patiently。 趙老師:為甚麼要把 patient 改為 patiently 呢? 哈利:因為這個字應該用來描述 treat 這個動詞的,用來描述 treat 便應該是 adverb,而不是 adjective,所以應該把 patient,改為 patiently。 趙老師:改寫了,除了以上兩個錯誤,句子還有一個錯處,你細心看是否找到出來。 哈利:是不是文法上的錯誤呢? 趙老師:不是,是用字不妥。 哈利:是不是 tragic 這個字用得差呢? 趙老師:是。我相信作者原來想表達的意思是「可憐小鳥兒」,但 tragic bird 不是可憐小鳥,poor little bird 才是。tragic 可以用來描寫人,很少用來描寫小鳥兒的,例如: Macbeth is a tragic hero. (麥克白是個悲劇英雄) 哈利:全句應改為 When they got back home, Tommy treated the poor little bird patiently. Q & A 請選擇正確的答案: Whenever his teacher entered the classroom, they all ( a. stand    b. stood) up. 答案:b        
Idioms corner
Lick ...... into shape 使⋯⋯成形/像樣/完善
  Meaning: to make someone or something look good or presentable; to put into a more perfect form Source: 公元十六世紀前,人們普遍有種錯誤的觀念,認為熊剛出生時是黏糊糊的一團,沒有形狀,須熊父母用舌頭慢慢舔出模樣來的。因而有此語。    
Neither East Nor West
Sign of Jonah
  A couple of Sundays ago, Jan 22, the first reading was from the book of the prophet Jonah 《約納先知書》.  We are very familiar with the story.  I have two things for you to think about. First, why did Jonah get swallowed by a whale?  Because he did not want to go to Nineveh.  Why?  Because Nineveh was the capitol of Assyria, and Assyria was the enemy of Israel.  Why would Jonah want the Assyrians to repent and not be punished (think “wiped out”) by God?  Hurray.  Go do it, God.  So Jonah would not go.  But God WANTS them to be saved.  And God insisted.  That is the background of the story. Second, most people stop reading after the first 3 chapters.  The most interesting part is in chapter 4.  Take the time to read it now, or else the next paragraphs will not make sense.  (pause) So what does it say? ‘Then the LORD said, “You are concerned over the gourd plant which cost you no effort and which you did not grow; it came up in one night and in one night it perished. And should I not be concerned over the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot know their right hand from their left, not to mention all the animals?”’  (vs 10,11) God cares for all people, including our enemies, because He created all of us.  We are His children regardless of race, ethnicity….. The story of Jonah is not simply about his being swallowed up by a giant fish.  It is about: 1. God wants to save the world, eventually sending His Son Jesus to die on the Cross. 2. God wants us to love even our enemies. 3. God will even use someone like Jonah, who did NOT want to do His Will, to be His prophet. So really, we have no excuses, if we believe in Jesus, even when we are not willing or obedient.  He wants us do His work of Love and Salvation. On a more timely application to this lesson, let us look at the issues of ecology(生態學), environmental protection(環保)and abortion (人工流產,墮胎).   Sunday, January 22, 2011, marked the 39th anniversary of the legalization of abortion in the US in 1973.  In Hong Kong, abortion became legal on Feb 17, 1981. To be honest, when I was growing up in Hong Kong I knew about abortion but did not think much about it.  It was just there.  I did not consider whether it was right or wrong.  It had nothing to do with me and this was before it was legalized. I first thought about it when it became legal while I was at the university in US.  We were discussing it and listening to what the Church had to say. Even today, most discussions involve the issues of the rights of the woman to choose, to decide for herself about her own body.  Other discussions are about the circumstances of the pregnancy, the supposed population “explosion” etc…  (It is certainly not about our sinful misuse of the gift of sexuality by one or both parties that resulted in a non-desired condition of having a baby.) I would just like to know what did the innocent baby do to deserve such a horrible death?  In this day and age, where we are so concerned with the preciousness of the environment and green earth, we simply ignore the preciousness of a human life.  We treat a baby worse than the worst enemy of society.   We are thinking like Jonah, of our own self interests. Jesus wants more from us.  He wants us to love one another as He has loved us.