
If you were...
What would you do if you were Christian?
Christian has been a Scout(童軍)at school since young. In his lower forms, he spent much effort to achieve his Chief Scout Award(總領袖獎章). The hard work was not only his, but also the Scouters(童軍領袖) who played a big role in guiding(帶領)him along. After the age of 16, one cannot be a Scout anymore and has to move on to the Venture Scout(深資童軍)section, but there is no such group at his school. Christian always goes back to assist the leaders in teaching the younger Scouts. Recently he was invited to organize(策劃)the Christmas camp, an event he never missed(錯過)in the past. But this time it's just a bad timing, Christian is sitting for the DSE and Christmas will be so packed with studies. He wants to reject but he was told that the two key leaders will be away for an international camp, leaving behind two very inexperienced new leaders. His support to this Christmas camp is so crucial(關鍵).  Christian cannot make up his mind(決定). Unintentionally(無意中) he flipped(翻開)his Scout Handbook(手冊)and read the Scout motto(格言)which reads, “You are always ready to do what is necessary to help others. It also means you are ready(裝備好), willing(願意), and able to do what is necessary in any situation that comes along. You are also being prepared to live a full(充實)and worthwhile(有價值)life, being physically fit, be an honorable citizen of strong character(品格).” After reading that, Christian still cannot make up his mind.  What would you do if you were Christian?  I’d devote(投入)my time to helping them as it is my duty, once a Scout always a Scout. It is fine if I miss out the study time during the holiday, I can always make it up(追回)in the coming months.  I’d sure help but help in a smarter way. Instead of doing all the planning and execution(執行)by myself as in the past, I’d write down clearly a To Do List and share with the less experienced leaders so as to pass on(傳授)my experience to them. I might even visit the Scouts during camp if I were on schedule with my studies. 
支援應考D S E 學生
中學文憑考試(DSE)剛剛開始,這可能是中六學生整個中學階段最大壓力的時候,因為只從一個公開考試的分數來決定中學以後的去向、能否到心儀的地方繼續學業,這個決定性彷彿很大。除了擔心前途問題外,壓力也來自其他方面,例如溫習時遇到的困難、學生對自己的期望、家長對學生的期望等。這種考試壓力不能避免,雖然大部份學生都能夠處理壓力和順利度過考試,但卻有些學生所面對的壓力可能超出本身的承受力,導致表現受到影響,情緒上也可能出現不穩定的情況,例如抑鬱、焦慮等,有些學生更因為公開考試的壓力而萌生輕生的念頭。 家長是最能第一線掌握學生問題的人,所以應該多加留意學生在應考公開試期間的情緒狀態,並向一些高危或有風險因素的學生提供適當的支援。有些家長認為自己已十分關心孩子,但卻可能在說話上令孩子感到壓力,例如有家長對孩子說:「再俾心機啲啦」、「你有能力可以溫習多一點才睡覺」、「你再努力一點便可得到更好成績」。這些說話看似有點鼓勵性,但正在受到考試壓力影響的學生對這些話或有另一種看法,他們可能會認為家長對他們的要求很高,令原本溫習的壓力上再多一層壓力。 有些較容易緊張的考生,會在每次考試後都重複思考剛完成試卷的問題,然後再在書本中核對剛填寫的答案,若發現有錯誤時,會感到更加焦慮, 若孩子有這種習慣,可提醒他們這做法會影響心情,進而影響其他科目的表現;相反,他們應該集中精神準備下一個考試。作為家長,可積極聆聽孩子在考試期間的壓力感受,讓孩子有抒發情緒的空間, 也可提醒他們盡了能力便足夠,不須太介意成績,並欣賞孩子所付出的努力;另一方面為孩子提供足夠營養,留意他們有否足夠休息。假如孩子出現情緒不穩的情況,應該盡快尋求老師或專業人員的協助。
剛有子女時,對於他們的成長,如同一般父母般充滿期望,想他們一步一步成長、成才、成功,他們人生的走勢,是向上的。 這也是今天社會的常態,說甚麼贏在起跑線,總喜歡介紹DSE中的摘星考生,又或是介紹早早成功的青年才俊。使大家都有一種錯覺:早早有成功,就是一件好事。 人到中年,看子女的成長,不再順著他們成長的時間線來看,不再多想他們二十歲、三十歲時,做到些甚麼;反過來,從八、九十歲的角度來思考。 試想想,當子女到了四十歲,個人的能力、體力、甚至成就,到了頂峰, 往後的日子,正如我們一樣,就是一條下坡路。他們的體力會衰退,能力不容易再提升,性格也相當固定了。到了那時候,他們就是帶著這一切,走人生的後半段。 到了五十歲,最關注的是健康問題;到了六十歲,孤獨可能是生活的主調;活到七十歲,如何回顧人生,前望死亡,仍然感到此生不枉,是更大的課題。 於是我想:在子女還是八歲、十歲的時候,我是否已經好好地為他們準備,在倒數的日子裡,是否依然樂觀、健康、安然呢?  耶穌基督的生平,很值得我們在教養子女時借鑑。當耶穌大展才能時,門徒跟隨他,滿心以為自己會建立猶太人的王國,各自成功臣大將,結果卻是目睹耶穌被捕、受難、釘在十字架上。不過,這個失敗才是真正的成功,一般人所想的恥辱原來才是真正的光榮。 所以,從成功與光榮的角度想子女的未來,不妨也逆轉思維,由死亡與失敗的角度去思考一下。也許,子女雖然不能考第一、入名校、成大器,卻可以有一個更完整的人生。