
400 400 embrace
Embrace the power of core value
The Unbreakable Bond
Once upon a time, there was a family who found their happiness in their strong bond and their shared belief in God's words. The family consisted of a loving husband and wife, who were devoted parents to their children. They knew that together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.   One day, a mean man came and tried to make the family unhappy. He shouted, ‘I will make your house smaller!’ But the family didn't get scared. They smiled and said, ‘If our house is smaller, we will be closer together, making us even happier!’   The mean man didn't give up. He shouted again, ‘I will take away your food!’ But the family still smiled. They said, ‘If we have less food, we will share what we have. We will take care of each other and be strong together!’   The mean man got angrier and shouted again, ‘I will take away everything that is green!’ But the family remained happy. They said, ‘Even if there is no green, we can mix blue and yellow to make green. We will create our own beauty and be thankful for the simple things.’   The mean man was so mad because the family didn't get upset. He couldn't break their happiness no matter what he tried. He gave up and went away in defeat.   The family members continued to love each other and follow God's teachings. Their love and unity became a light for others to see and follow.   Message A loving and united family, guided by faith and values, can overcome any challenge and find happiness in even the most difficult circumstances.   Bible verse “How good, how delightful it is for all to live together like brothers.” ( Psalm 133:1)   Action Create a family gratitude wall. Each family member can write and stick down things they are thankful for on the wall. This serves as a visual reminder of the family's positive aspects and blessings.   Glossary Bond (noun) : a close connection joining two or more people 關係 Devoted (adjective) : giving someone a lot of love and attention 摯愛的 Overcome (verb) : to successfully control a problem 克服 Challenge (noun) : something difficult 難題   The story is taken from CEO Project 1.0 – Family (Level 1) Unit 8 The Evil Man – Part 2
400 400 embrace
Embrace the power of core value
Understand we are God’s family and we confirm with Jesus’ teaching.
God created the whole universe, including plants, animals and us. His creation is beautiful and wonderful. We are the children of God, God loves us. He gives us the right to enjoy what he has created for us.   It is spring time. One day, Baby Rabbit steps outside for the first time of his life. He feels so excited. Once he steps out of his home, he sees some beautiful tall trees, green grass and bright flowers everywhere. Baby Rabbit thinks the world is so beautiful, and he has never seen such amazing scenery before. Suddenly, he sees a baby squirrel in a tree. Although the baby squirrel is not from his family, Baby Rabbit wants to greet the baby squirrel as he remembers the message ‘We are all created by God. We are God’s family. We have to thank God. How precious we are!’ Therefore, he decides to greet the baby squirrel and it is a surprise to have a friendly conversation. They start chatting and soon their chatting grows into a beautiful friendship. Baby Rabbit is very happy to meet a new friend and thanks God for this blessing.   Message Understand we are God’s family and we confirm with Jesus’ teaching. Since we are all children of God, we all have the responsibility to love God, to love one another, and to work to make the world a better place.   Bible verse “But to all who did accept him, he gave power to become children of God, to all who believe in the name of him.” ( John 1:12 )   Action Jesus is the perfect example of love. He gave us the perfect example to follow. Reading the Bible can help you know more who God is. Let’s love God more every day.   Glossary Creation (noun) : the act of creating something, or the thing that is created 創造 Precious (adjective) : of great value because of being rare, expensive, or important 珍貴   Source: The story is taken from CEO Project 1.0 – Love (Level 5) Unit 11 God’s Family Part 2
400 400 embrace
Embrace the power of core value
Family is really important. It's the people who love and take care of us, like our parents. There's a quote from the bible that says, "Honour your father and your mother." (Exodus 20:12) It means we should respect and be thankful for our parents.   Our parents do so much for us. They teach us important things and help us grow. They love us no matter what and always support us. When we're feeling sad or scared, they're there to make us feel better. They teach us right from wrong and show us how to be kind and helpful to others.   Honouring our parents means more than just doing what they say. It means showing them respect and being grateful for all they do. We should listen to their advice and ask for their help when we need it. They have lots of experience and wisdom to share with us.   By honouring our parents, we help create a happy and loving family. When we show respect and gratitude, it brings us closer together. It also makes us feel like we belong and have a special place in our family. In our school , students write poems about family. (Let's check one of the students work on P.9)   In a world that is always changing, it's important to remember the value of family. Honouring our parents reminds us to appreciate the people who love and care for us. It reminds us to keep the traditions and values that make our family strong.   So let's remember to honor our parents and show them how much we appreciate them. Let's listen to their advice and be grateful for all they do. By doing these things, we can help create a loving and happy family.   Glossary Grateful (adjective) : showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person. 感激的,表示感謝的 Gratitude (noun) : the feeling or quality of being grateful. 深深的感謝╱感激不盡  
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400 400 embrace
Embrace the power of core value
The Joy of Giving
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Rose. Rose was always ready to explore and learn something new.   One sunny morning, as she sat on the couch, she noticed her mum carrying a basket full of vibrant flowers. "Mum, what are these flowers called? They're beautiful!" Rose exclaimed. “They are called orchids, my dear. Aren't they elegant?” her mum replied with a gentle smile.   The pink orchids caught Rose's attention. "The pink ones look so soft, like fluffy clouds. And the white ones, they look like tiny marshmallows!" she exclaimed with excitement. "Why d i d y o u b u y orchids, Mum?" Rose asked, her little fingers gently touching the delicate petals. Her mum explained, "During Chinese New Year, we buy flowers to make our home nicer." "I'm going to draw them, Mum!" she declared.   As Rose sat on the couch, carefully sketching the orchids, her mum went about her chores. Suddenly, a loud crash of broken glass echoed through the house, making her mum jump in surprise. "It wasn't me, Mum. I promise! I was right here, drawing," Rose quickly assured her mom, a worried expression on her face. Believing her daughter, her mum smiled. "I know, Rose. Sometimes, strange things happen. Let's go and check."   Message Love trusts and tells the truth. Love cannot thrive without trust, as it is the foundation on which love is built.   Bible verse Love finds Joy in living according to truth and supporting all that is true ( Ref.# Psalm1:1-2 )   Action Love is not just a feeling; it is a verb, requiring us to take action. By showing love to those around us, we create an environment of warmth and acceptance, where trust and truth can thrive.   Glossar y Vibrant (adjective) : energetic, bright, and full of life or excitement 鮮豔的 Elegant (adjective) : graceful and attractive in appearance or behaviour 優雅的 Fluffy (adjective) : soft and like wool or like fur 毛茸茸的 Delicate (adjective) : needing careful treatment, especially because easily damaged 嬌嫩的   The story is taken from CEO Project 1.0 – Love (Level 1) Unit 10 Broken Glass – Part 1