
400 400 embrace
Embrace the power of core value
Family is really important. It's the people who love and take care of us, like our parents. There's a quote from the bible that says, "Honour your father and your mother." (Exodus 20:12) It means we should respect and be thankful for our parents.   Our parents do so much for us. They teach us important things and help us grow. They love us no matter what and always support us. When we're feeling sad or scared, they're there to make us feel better. They teach us right from wrong and show us how to be kind and helpful to others.   Honouring our parents means more than just doing what they say. It means showing them respect and being grateful for all they do. We should listen to their advice and ask for their help when we need it. They have lots of experience and wisdom to share with us.   By honouring our parents, we help create a happy and loving family. When we show respect and gratitude, it brings us closer together. It also makes us feel like we belong and have a special place in our family. In our school , students write poems about family. (Let's check one of the students work on P.9)   In a world that is always changing, it's important to remember the value of family. Honouring our parents reminds us to appreciate the people who love and care for us. It reminds us to keep the traditions and values that make our family strong.   So let's remember to honor our parents and show them how much we appreciate them. Let's listen to their advice and be grateful for all they do. By doing these things, we can help create a loving and happy family.   Glossary Grateful (adjective) : showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person. 感激的,表示感謝的 Gratitude (noun) : the feeling or quality of being grateful. 深深的感謝╱感激不盡