
創作天地:圖畫 2017.04.02
夢境 謝詠欣 天主教聖安德肋小學 六禮   關愛 陳子昊 慈雲山天主教小學 二B    如同天父滿懷慈悲 劉恩霖 瑪利曼小學 小五   荒誕城市 盧思穎 嘉諾撒聖心學校(私立部)三B    向日葵 黃凱晴 坪石天主教小學 五A 
創作天地 2017.03.26
文章: 書本的自述 大家好!我的名字叫書本,我是住在小主人的書包裡的中文教科書。我的身體又寬又平,非常厚,我的身體是用紙來造的,我是小主人學習的好幫手。 我可以幫小主人學習和預習中文科,小主人有空時,我可以幫助小主人複習。 我的小主人非常愛惜我,她會給我穿上外套。她十分用功,每天,她只要做好功課,就會從書包裡,小心翼翼地把我取出來,並翻開我的身體,我便把身體裡藏著的知識,傳授給小主人。 小主人把我帶回學校裡,我看見了很多同伴,都被他們的小主人弄得皺巴巴的。我想呼籲其他小主人,要好好愛惜書本,不要把我們弄皺,要好像我的小主人一樣,愛惜我們。 莊紫葵 香港仔聖伯多祿天主教小學 三E An Unforgettable Summer Holiday  After a busy semester, the summer holiday was around the corner. In order to make this summer more meaningful, my parents decided to visit Switzerland. In fact, I had heard quite a lot of beautiful things about the country. Therefore, it was not a surprise. The trip was really amazing and memorable.  Switzerland is a small European country known for its beautiful snow-capped mountains. One of the most beautiful places I visited was a mountain in the Swiss Alps──The Matterhorn which is about 4478 metres high. It is the symbol of the Swiss and also the brand image of a well-known chocolate. We took a mountain walk to enjoy the fresh air and the cool breeze that we had never experienced before.  We also visited the largest glacier in the Alps──Aletsch Glacier. We arrived at this sightseeing spot by cable car. The scenery in the glacier was unbelievable. The magnificent glacier seemed like a big dragon flying from the Alps. In fact, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001. We stayed there the whole afternoon to enjoy the scene and spectacular view.  We spent eleven days on this summer holiday. When I came back to Hong Kong, I can still feel the cold air, lakes, the green surroundings and the snow mountains in the atmosphere. The trip was wonderful and I really had an unforgettable experience.  李明傑 天主教聖安德肋小學 六禮 造燈籠 上年九月中旬的中秋前夕,我們一家到上環學造燈籠。 本來我以為學造傳統燈籠,就是用竹篾紮作,再用紙糊成的那種。誰料當我們到達後,發現內裡有很多大型機器,我們好像進入了一間科學實驗室一樣,導師哥哥身穿工作服,笑容可掬地向我們講解每一個步驟。 導師哥哥給我們派發材料,便輪到我們製作了。我們首先畫上各人喜愛的形狀,然後導師哥哥就幫忙用激光,把這些圖案切割出來,再經過組裝和黏合,裝上二極管燈泡和電池,燈籠就能發光了。 我覺得這個活動很好玩,這個親手製作的燈籠,令我們上年的中秋節倍添難忘。我想:如果今年再有類似的活動,我會邀請同學和好朋友一起參加呢!  劉軒竣 荔枝角天主教小學 二A 水運會前奏 學校將會舉行第二屆水運會,我很想參加,但是我不會游泳, 所以在暑假期間,參加了游泳班。 在暑假期間,教練教了我不同的游泳方式,例如:自由式、背泳、蛙式……經過不斷的操練,我終於學會了游泳,而我最擅長的是背泳。 暑假完後,老師把水運會的規則和比賽事項發給我們。原來參加比賽首先要取得教練的准賽資格。我立即聯絡教練,安排試水日期。 到了試水當天,教練告訴我要在兩米深的水裡試水,我非常緊張。幸好,還有三四人在泳池旁等候試水。輪到我時,我雖然非常緊張,但是想到能有機會參加比賽,便下水了。游完回來,我看見我的成績很好。最後,我得到教練的准賽資格。 當天我感到很開心,因為我可以參加比賽,我期望快點到比賽的一天。 黎子瑩 天主教石鐘山紀念小學 五B 我的家 大家好,我是李溢盈,我喜歡別人稱呼我為盈盈。我今年六歲,是一位女孩子。 我喜歡的科目有體育、視藝和電腦。有空時,我喜歡去公園玩。 李溢盈 秀茂坪天主教小學 一D 小息 小息的時候,有的同學在操場上跳飛機,有的同學在課室裡談話,真高興! 黃嘉怡 秀茂坪天主教小學 一B 看電影 星期六的早上,我、表妹和媽媽一起到電影院看電影,我們看得很高興啊!  陳安琪 秀茂坪天主教小學 一A 圖案: 和諧生活 林君龍 柴灣角天主教小學 六D   小丑的衣裳 馬慧琳 天主教善導小學 六B  
創作天地 2017.01.08
一件意外 十一月初的一天,我到琴行學彈琴。可是,發生了一件意外, 令我很慚愧呢!  當日我如常到琴行上鋼琴課,因為老師還未到,剛好隔壁的課室沒有人,於是我便偷偷地走進去。原來課室裡安放著一座像船般大的古箏,我走到古箏前,彈了一下,「咚!」的一聲,聲音很悅耳,再環顧四周,一個人也沒有。我再也按捺不住心中的興奮,雙手使勁地撥動琴弦,「卡擦⋯⋯噹!噹!噹!」琴弦下的小木件全翻掉了。 那巨響令媽媽和琴行職員都跑進來,我嚇得哭了起來,連聲說:「對不起!對不起!」職員檢查古箏後,說:「小朋友,不用怕,小木塊可以重新裝上去。不過,下次沒有導師在旁,不要隨便玩樂器,不適當使用會弄傷你的。」 我很慚愧,因為要麻煩琴行職員重新安裝,還差點把弦撥斷。我會記住這次教訓,下次不可再亂碰別人的東西了。 劉建亨 荔枝角天主教小學 二A 沒有最好,只有更好 無論是老師、父母、補習老師……他們常常教導我一句話「沒有最好,只有更好」。 我曾經也親身經歷過。在一次考試中,我很努力地考到首十名內,我心花怒放,樂滋滋的,覺得自己已經很好了,根本不用再往前「爬」,保持現狀就好了。反正再怎麼讀,也是不會怎麼進步的,所以在緊接著的考試就沒再努力。雖然考試成績和上次一樣, 可是追求卓越的那顆熾熱的心,早已不再了。 過了不久,一直不辭勞苦教導我又有耐心的補習老師看透了我的心,她一語中的,反問我那好學求進的心到哪裡去了?我頓時垂下了頭,十分慚愧,跟她說了整件事情。我本以為她會罵我、教訓我,誰知道她竟然滿面笑容跟我說:「『學海無涯,唯勤是岸』。世界上有許多有趣的知識,所以是沒有最好,只有更好。要是你不努力,又怎樣更上一層樓?」聽完後我恍然大悟,決定繼續努力發憤讀書,力求進步。 沒有最好,只有更好。「學如逆水行舟,不進則退」。如果我們再不加把勁,力爭上游,又怎麼勝過昨天的自己呢?  李靖晞 天主教聖安德肋小學 六禮 Funny Wishes of Mine  If I were Pikachu,  I would play tricks on you.  I would use my electric shocks to wake you,  And mess up your best hairdo.  If I were Jigglypuff,  I would sing you a song sure enough.  I would make you sleep like a cub,  And draw your face into a shrub!  If I were Miss Sy,  I would be mad at Class 5C.  No more chatting in class please,  Or I will give zero marks like these!  0 – 0 – 0  These funny wishes I make,  I know they may never be.  It does not matter the slightest bit.  I am just happy to be a wit!  吳昕霏 嘉諾撒聖心學校(私立部) 五C 「倒數第一」的經歷 「人生不如意事十常八九」,「倒數第一」就是我其中一個慘痛的經歷。 去年,我在校運會的成績都很理想,所以今年的校運會,我也信心十足地參加了一百米徑項比賽,而且我相信不需要使盡全力, 也能輕易獲得勝利,所以我沒有練習。 那天上午,比賽如常進行,終於到了一百米的跑步比賽, 「咇」一聲響起,我用盡全力向前衝,一直跑在其他選手前面,我就像閃電一樣快,而他們卻跑得比蝸牛還要慢。此刻,台上正為我響起雷鳴般的掌聲。就在我沾沾自喜的一刻,有一顆很小的砂石突然吹進我的眼睛,我感到很痛,但霎時間想不到任何解決的辦法, 心想:我真倒霉,但也只好硬著頭皮向前衝。 忽然,我感覺到一股強大的力量正在追上來,「天啊!他們竟然追了上來,啊⋯⋯」我頓時失控了,哭著衝出了跑道,一下子衝向柱子,痛得大叫起來。最後,我甚麼獎項都得不到。 現在我知錯了,就算對手不是強者,也不可掉以輕心,正所謂驕兵必敗:驕傲的人必會失敗,但同時我亦安慰自己:失敗乃成功之母,就算這次輸了,也不能灰心,一定要繼續努力。 這次「倒數第一」的經歷,是我人生中其中一個不如意的經驗,也是我人生中其中一件難以忘懷的事情,你也有同樣的經歷嗎?  肖順達 福德學校 五A 一件小事 從小到大,不論發生甚麼事情,父親總說︰「別怕,因為我永遠陪在你身邊。」在一個格外寒冷的冬天,這句話兌現了。 早上,父親和我帶上嶄新的自行車去公園玩。到了公園,我迫不及待地坐上自行車,雙手緊握手把,一隻腳踩在腳踏上,另一隻腳則踮起腳尖,踩在地面上保持平衡。我用盡力氣呼喊︰「爸爸, 我準備好了,你要在後面扶著我!」聲音在公園不斷地迴盪。爸爸慢悠悠地回答︰「別怕,有我在!」我用力踩下腳踏,車子起動, 另一隻腳離開地面,也踩在腳踏上,便使勁地轉動雙腳。回頭看看,爸爸正扶著我,我充滿信心地繼續往前。 突然,我看見路上有一顆石頭,我來不及躲避,輪胎輾過石頭,我狠狠地摔在堅硬的地面上,十分疼痛。爸爸站在一旁,呼喊到︰「沒事就起來,男子漢大丈夫,不能遇到挫折就放棄,起來!」爸爸堅定的眼神中帶有一絲怒氣,使我不敢怠慢。我咬緊牙關,強忍著疼痛和眼淚,重新站了起來,扶起自行車,再度出發!  我一邊騎一邊想︰爸爸在嗎?爸爸有扶著我嗎?我不禁轉身看了一眼,不見爸爸。本來已經搖搖晃晃的我,經過剛才的跌倒,加上轉身。頓時,我失去了平衡,再次摔倒!我終於忍不住了,眼淚奪眶而出,爸爸無情的臉沒有任何表情。「起來,不許哭,快起來!」冷風吹在爸爸的頭髮上,烏黑的髮絲隨風飄揚,堅定的眼神似乎隱藏著甚麼。看到爸爸對我沒有一絲憐憫,便想:還說會永遠陪在我身邊,騙子!大騙子!我急了。風,冷颼颼地吹過,如同一根根銳利的刺,刺在我心中。原來騎自行車並不那麼好玩。 一會兒,我的眼淚哭乾了,爸爸走過來,扶起沉甸甸的自行車,說︰「起來吧,學完去吃快餐。」爸爸總能想到辦法,用他的方式鼓勵我。我終於又站了起來,不斷地失敗,不斷地嘗試。終於,我像在草原上的野馬奔馳在路上,迎着風大喊︰「我成功了!」「我成功了!」 爸爸的臉上這才露出了一絲笑容。 父愛是無私的,無動於衷的背後隱藏著對兒女的愛和教導。後來,我終於明白了父親的用意︰爸爸想我堅強,做事不要遇到困難就輕易放棄。爸爸說︰「別怕,因為我永遠陪在你身邊。」爸爸, 我相信您,我相信您會永遠陪在我身邊支持我。 郭浩文 香港仔聖伯多祿天主教小學 六E 
  My grandmother  I would like to talk about my grandmother.  My grandmother is sixty-five years old. She looks much younger than her age. She is fashionable and dresses beautifully. She has to show her Senior Citizen Card when she takes the public transport because no one believes she is over sixty-five. She is very sociable and has a lot of friends. She talks with her friends all the time. She knows everyone in North Point and greets them on the street. Having friends and being active are the ways to keep her young.  My grandmother is good at cooking. She can make a lot of yummy dishes. Fried salmon is the dish I love the most. When we have fried salmon for dinner, I have to fight for the salmon with my dad. It is juicy, crispy and delicious. You can’t find such tasty salmon in any restaurants.  My grandmother is not only good at cooking, she does housework effectively and efficiently. She can finish the housework neatly and tidily within one hour.  My grandmother is the best grandmother in the world. I love her very much.  周紀而 聖保祿學校(小學部) 五C   A selfish boy  Tom always wastes water and food. He also produces lots of rubbish. He does not love the Earth nor the others. He is selfish.  Tom’s sister, Toby, loves the Earth. She always reminds Tom how to care for the environment. She asks Tom to put the bottles into the recycling bins. But Tom is too lazy. He thinks, ‘Why don’t I throw them out of the window ? It’s so easy.’  One day, Tom dropped a bottle out of the window. He thought, ‘No one can see me.’ The bottle hit a girl on the head. Two girls saw what happened and screamed. They called 999.  The police arrived and arrested Tom. Tom was frightened. In the police station, Tom felt regretful. He said sorry to the injured girl.  鄧文軒 天主教伍華小學 五D   My friend  My best friend is Oscar. He lives in Choi Ying Estate. He is nine years old. His birthday is on 12th October, 2006. His is fat, tall, funny and naughty. His hobbies are playing computer games, Chinese chess and swimming.  Oscar is our librarian. During recess, he has to go and help out in the library. He is the funniest person I know because he always tells jokes and makes me laugh. Sometimes he plays with me in recess and after school. We can ask and help each other if we have a question. I think we can be good friends forever.  連寶源 坪石天主教小學 四B   My favourite teacher  Miss Chan is the teacher whom I like very much.  Miss Chan has been teaching in our school for ten years. She is funny and kind. She likes telling jokes when we are bored during lessons. She teaches us Mathematics and Art.  Miss Chan is a patient teacher. She has become our class teacher since last year. When we are naughty, she teaches us to be good patiently.  Miss Chan is also creative. She is good at drawing Chinese painting.  I like Miss Chan very much because she always has a smiling face.  I hope her happy and healthy forever.  呂朗晴 天主教聖安德肋小學 五A