
Magic Mirror
Beautiful Scenries
   One evening at around 18:45, I was stunned by the beautiful sunset. The glowing golden color radiated with crimson red(深紅色)cast over the pure blue sky. Immediately I took out my cell phone and made a few snapshots(快照). The sun vanished within a minute and only patches of orange red color remained and eventually faded out. I really wish this beautiful scene can stay longer but of course it is impossible.  Sunrise and sunset happen every day in regardless of the weather, therefore not every time we can catch them or they will be the same each time we see them. However when we have the chance to see them, these special moments will stay in our hearts like colorful pictures in print.  Among countless of beautiful sceneries I have encountered, some always linger (縈繞) in my mind like vivid pictures. Recalled to about ten years ago when I attended a music festival in Europe, I still remember that I took a clear and attractive photo on a moving car on the way from Czech Republic(捷克)to Poland. A fantastic rainbow like a parabola(拋物線) or a smooth curve stretched across the clear sky spanning several miles. The entire journey took about two hours to the destination and I had seen this fantastic scene for more than a quarter of an hour. What a nice and sustained view I have ever seen!    Beautiful sceneries exist everywhere in this world because the Universe(天地萬物)is the creation of God and all the things He made are very good (Genesis 1:31). With a happy heart and a peace of mind, you can always see beautiful things anytime and anywhere. 
Magic Mirror
Technology in the daily life
   Recently one of the most popular topics among Hong Kong people must be the inflatable sculptures at the West Kowloon Promenade and Florentjin Hofman's Giant Rubber Duck in Victoria Harbour. Sadly I have not been to either of them, still I was well informed how attractive they were by friends and the public media. Living in a “hi-tech”(高科技)world indeed brings us a lot of advantages and enhances our living standard, but I am looking for the missing “simplicity” (簡樸)that used to be around.  Can you think of the most discussed topics with your family and friends? I used to listen to some interesting stories from my parents about their childhood, not only to know more about their youth, but also the tales of our city. In those days, the whole family shared a room but not a flat; people were poor but rich in their hearts and the beautiful fishing-village struggled into one of the most prominent(著名的)cities in Asia. Today, our city is still well known for its hospitality, effectiveness and vitality. At the same time there are more voices of dissatisfaction and complaints. I cannot imagine the “most talked about” issue at home recently was the problem and speed of Internet! Usually I am the one who is “slow and problematic” according to my parents and now I am exempted from this title.  Sometimes there can be a total silence in the living room even the whole family is there, because they are occupied by mobile phones and computers. I do not know when these electronic gadgets(小玩意)become our inseparable soulmate. You may see this phenomenon on public transports or any place where the majority buries their faces into the luminescent devices(可發光裝置) no matter they are standing, sitting or walking. Hopefully we will not be solely depending on these devices in the future as only real communication can grant us a stronger tide and understanding.    Wishing the ever developing technology will keep inflated and our hearts fill with joy and peace, like what the Giant Rubber Duck meant to be! 
Magic Mirror
Choldhood Memories
In my childhood, I was very afraid of darkness and water. In order to sleep well, I had to switch on a little light when I went to bed. In the year I just finished Primary 6, my parents sent me to Indiana University in the United States to attend a summer music camp where I could study and learn with around thirty students coming from all over the world. At night, each participant was allocated to sleep alone and when all the lights were switched off, it turned out to a complete darkness. At this moment, I was in a state of horror as I did not even see my fingers. During the ten days of campus life, I had learnt not only the knowledge of music and to overcome the fear of darkness as well. The word "Achluophobia", meaning fear of darkness, no longer existed in my mind.  "Aquaphobia", fear of water also affected my childhood. Just before going to primary school, I went with some other kids for a swimming gala during the summer holidays. When all the kids were playing joyfully in the water, I was left idled on the poolside even with fully armed(全副武裝)swimming suits. All of a sudden, one of the naughty kids kicked me into the water and I immediately raised my alert to maximum level and severe fear of water then came with me.  In the primary school I attended, swimming was a compulsory activity in PE lessons. If I did not take up this sport, my overall merits in the examination would be lowered. My parents then arranged swimming lessons for me under the tutorage of a very strict female coach(嚴格的女教練)in The South China Athletic Association. In a period of two years, I had been taught all four swimming styles namely freestyle(自由式), breaststroke(蛙式), butterfly (蝶式), back stroke(背泳)and other techniques, but most important is the coach helped me to overcome the fear of water. From her, I have learnt not only to swim but to earn a medal in the inter-school swimming contest. Frankly speaking, winning a prize does not mean that I am capable, instead it always reminds me fear is just one step behind success.  A whole new world is waiting for you when you are eager to step out.   
Magic Mirror
Transition(轉變)in life can be a beautiful one and a stepping stone for the future.  When I was in primary school, my dream was to grow up faster so I could go to university. It was a place for me which helped me to fulfill my dream, and a springboard(出發點)to my desired career. I still recalled the excitement that I have had when I was finally a university student, fantasizing that I could overcome any obstacles(障礙)and be successful. This positive mind gave me lots of confidence, but at the same time my heart wavered when there were difficulties and mistakes. I suspected my decision and wondered what to go next.  Fortunately I met wonderful mentors(良師)all the time, their word of wisdom and teaching led me through all the transitions and strengthened my faith. The great part of their teaching was not from books, but sincerity and tolerance(寬容). Even when I did not reach their expectations, they never abandoned me and asked me to face everything bravely. Learning from failure was also an important part too.  Now I would say school days were one of the best time in life.  Last week I taught a group of students. They will be the future school music teachers and instrumental tutors. Never imagine that I will be teaching on a podium as usually I am a performer on stage. While in school most students want to get rid of their teachers. Being a teacher I would like my students to be inspired and well cared. It is still a long way for me to become a wonderful pedagogue(教師)but I am glad this transition is full of challenge and uncertainties as there is no end to learning.  Wishing all of you having wonderful and happy school days.