
At the beginning of the year, everyone hopes for a new start. This is somewhat similar to the Chinese sayings(一元復始,萬象更新). There are only a few more days to start a new year in the lunar calendar. In the Chinese zodiac, this is the year of the snake. May I send a special wish to all those kids who are twelve. 

In this festive season, most people like to put some decorations in their homes especially with striking red color to enhance joyous atmosphere. Last year, my friend sent me a gift which was a paper cutting(剪紙)decoration having a big Chinese character of good fortune and with a crucifix. I like it very much and put it on the main entrance of my house all year round. 

Paper Cutting is a very old and popular Chinese folk art(民間藝術)which can be dated back to the sixth century or even earlier. This is a very delicate handicraft made with a piece of folded paper and a pair of scissors. Nowadays, I have seen this artifact(手工藝品)produced by the advanced technology of laser cut including the gift I received as mentioned before. 

Foreigners also admire on this Chinese traditional art. Liechtenstein (a small european country between Switzerland and Austria) issues a series of postage stamps on the theme of the Chinese Zodiac (starting with the year of dragon in 2012) with a similar design of paper cutting produced by laser cut. This is the first time stamps printed in this old yet trendy format. 

The photo image display shows the actual masterpiece(傑作)of the laser cut products. If you are able to find one, you are welcomed to share with the others. Wish all Joyful Youth readers good luck, good health and God bless.