
The story in this unit tackles themes of diversity, individual preferences and their expression. Anna and Rose each have their own preferred colours. Anna readily shares her opinion on the colour she is wearing, saying “I love orange!” loudly, and with pride after being asked by Rose about her choice of dress.


A potential conflict arises when Fred shouts out that he likes green and blue. This is quickly defused by the teacher, who wisely reassures the students that, “It is okay to like different colours. God made us all different. God still loves us all!”



God creates everyone in His image. Everyone is special, everyone is loved. Diversity and the celebration of individual differences are essential features of our humanity. It is important to encourage the expression of these differences without conflict. Recognition of each person’s uniqueness is the first step in building a cooperative future.


Bible verse

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:15)



You know me through and through, from having watched my bones take shape when I was being formed in secret, knitted together in the limbo of the womb. (Psalm139:15)



Diversity (noun) : the state of being diverse; variety 多樣性

Defuse (verb) : to make a situation less tense or dangerous 緩和

Reassure (verb) : say/do something to remove doubts or fears 再保證


CEO Project 1.0: Life (Level 1) Unit 2, The Orange Dress