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Once upon a time, there was a mean man who wanted to end the world. He had a magic spell that made people not want to work. He smelled really bad, and the horrible smell made people not want to go outside.

One day, the mean man looked into a house and saw a happy family sitting inside, smiling. This made him very angry because they were not affected by his plan.


The mean man didn't know what to do next. He wanted to make the family sad, but they were strong and didn't let his evil plan get to them.

In the end, the love and happiness of the family showed that even in the face of evil, goodness and strength can win.


The story taken from CEO project 1.0 - Family (Level 1) Unit 7 The Evil Man Part 1



Understand family is made up of husband and wife (father and mother) . Parents raise and teach children with God's words.



Love your family with harmony and respect.



Evil (adjective) morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant 道德敗壞的;邪惡的

Magic spell (noun) incantation or curse 魔法, 魔咒

Horrible (adjective) very shocking and frightening 可怕的,令人震驚的