
Last week, I witnessed a ridiculous scene on a bus. A little girl was non stop crying and no matter how her mother pampered her, the annoying cry continued.  Then I overheard the conversation: "It's my fault to let you ride on a bus while the weather is so hot.  The weak air conditioning makes you uncomfortable and mommy will never let you feel that way again", then there was silence. Is this called love or life?

I do not grow up with fancy toys or most advanced games, but definitely I am one of the happiest kids in the world. Being brought up in a highly disciplined way, I was once in the mist, too, not understanding why everything has to be done in a certain way.  

Gradually I find it is a fortune to learn to be thankful instead of doubting every little details in life. Can you recall when is the last time saying thank you?  One may think it is only a tiny act but who knows that may change the world!  I am grateful to have fantastic parents, who have given me the best of everything.  Never can I say enough "thank you" to their hard work, love and care.  I am still learning to be a better person and hope one day they will find the foundation they laid for me has become a solid house - The house of gratitude!  

Cherish what you have and live to the fullest to show your thankfulness.