
Chasing dreams 

黃曦漩   瑪利諾修院學校(中學部)   二戊

Has anyone ever told you to give up your dreams? Did you listen to them? What did you do next? 

Well, you should never give up on something you love. You may hear someone saying that“What you are doing may not help your future and you should stop doing it .”And yes, it may not help your future, but as long as you love and enjoy it, and it makes you happy, then why not continue doing it? People may also tell you to do things which are more helpful, but if you don't enjoy doing it, just kindly tell them that you are not into that. 

If you are an athlete or you are playing a sport that contains teamwork, then you will understand. You may fail, you cry, you sweat, it's a hard work, but you'll keep practicing. You make sure that you can do the best during competition. For sport that require teamwork, it's much harder. You have to make sure that your teammates are cooperating and it's much easier to give up. When you can't cooperate then your love for that sport will probably become less and less, and you will at last quit the team. 

Everyone has failed before, when you fall onto the ground, just get up and keep trying. Never give up because you fail. I am sure that you will succeed one day and when you look back to it, you will be very proud of yourself for making the correct choices. 

Failing is easier than succeeding. You may fail a lot of time but just succeed once, then you will have the bitter feeling that you want to give up. 

Life is like a roller coaster. There are ups and downs. You should never give up on something you love. Keep trying and you will succeed one day.


陳麒兆 香港鄧鏡波書院 一B


實在是有很多原因導致我們不快樂,但快樂是一種選擇。在生命的旅程遇到困難或困擾是屢見不鮮的,如果我們時常浮現出很多負面情緒,而隨便讓消極的態度圍繞我們,我們就會沉溺在自怨自艾、自傷自憐的情況中。但如果我們竭力追求, 迎難而上,欣賞自己的優點,我們就是選擇了快樂。樂觀積極的態度才是自重自愛的表現,鮑聖語錄:「孩子們!珍惜時光吧!時光將使你們獲得永生。」

在新學校這陌生的環境下,大多是不熟悉的面孔,要結交新朋友真不容易,但希望透過聖經金句:「凡你們願意人給你們做的,你們也要照樣給人做。」(瑪七12) 給我的啟示,能結交到一些和我理念相同的同學。我期望有一個美好的中學人生旅程,放進我生命中的回憶。

