

林海傑 順利天主教中學 五C 

「 『機』遇」在平凡人的眼中,只是普通的兩個字,但對殘疾人士來說卻是一個重大的改變。




在週會舉辦前,大多數同學認為校內興建升降機是浪費資源和低使用率,根本是可有可無,忽略了升降機對於行動不便的老師、同學或其他使用者是多大的佳音。我校每年都有不少同學因遇上意外,導致短暫的行動不便,但我校因缺乏升降機等設施,導致那些短暫行動不便的同學,需要其他同學的協助才能上落樓梯。除此之外, 當突發事件發生時,老師和同學都要花很多時間和力量,才能到達事發樓層協助事故或離開尋求治療,增加處理事故的所需時間。

若然我校安裝升降機,不但能令老師們在突發事情發生時, 迅速到達事發現場,亦能減少受傷、年長或懷有身孕的老師,因上落樓梯不便所導致意外發生的機會,以及縮短老師日常因上落樓梯,而延誤上課的時間。基於以上的原因,我校已多次向教育局申請興建升降機,惟一直未得教育局的准許。


Movie 20:16 ── Lion Rock Spirit 

Guerzo Karl Christian Ng 明愛胡振中中學 一B

Based on a true-life story of a Hong Kong businessman, 20: 16, starring famous Hong Kong actor Mr Lau Chung Yan, feels like a perfect example of how Hong Kong people stay optimistic and persevered in facing their challenges with Lion Rock Spirit. 

The charity movie 20:16 is an inspiring movie about a pair of brother and sister, who made their ways from Mainland China to Hong Kong, started a business with HK$ 4000 in a metal sheet-walled space in an alley in 1971. They were just two of hundreds of thousands of young people who risked their lives to escape from the mainland to Hong Kong in search of a better future. After decades of hard work, the siblings succeeded in developing their business and contributed to the development of the city. 

With rapid socio-economic advancement, Hong Kong people have become more prosperous. Our living standard nowadays is a lot different from the adverse living conditions in the 1970s. Our problems have slightly changed from maintaining a secured living environment to fighting for injustice and strength in the face of troubles. The modernized spirit of Lion Rock isn't just about money, but also the "can-do" attitude we should all have as a Hongkonger. 

Today the city is still home to a diverse and vibrant business community. It is where opportunity, creativity and entrepreneurship converge. "Excellence is the Reward of Perseverance" is the message 20:16 conveyed, the spirit is still casting its spell on Hong Kong. With wisdom, collaboration and relentless efforts, let's rise to all challenges ahead to build a better Hong Kong.