
Happy New Year! What is your New Year's resolution? Do more physical exercise, start a new hobby, or do more housework?

The custom of starting the New Year with a resolution can be traced back to about 4,000 years ago in Babylon (known as Iraq nowadays). 

The Babylonians celebrated the coming of a new year in March, not in January. The celebration included promises to the gods to repay their debts and return borrowed objects. The Babylonians believed that if they kept to their word, their gods would give them rich harvests and good fortune in the year ahead. Scholars consider these promises the earliest New Year's resolutions in human history. 

The first mention of the English word " resolutions " during the New Year was made by Scottish writer Anne Halkett in 1671. 

On 2nd January, she entitled her diary page " Resolutions " and wrote several pledges taken from the Bible, such as " I will not offend any more " . 

It is better late than never. If you have not made your New Year's resolution yet, try to set one now. 




在新年期間用英文字「resolutions」是首次由蘇格蘭作家安妮.霍爾基特在1671年作出的。當年的1月2 日,她將一頁日記的標題訂為「計劃」,並且寫下多個取自《聖經》的許諾,如「我以後不再作惡」。



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