
Nora and Liam always spend their lunch hours in the library, they are library helpers. Due to their passion (熱愛)for reading, they have a strong sense of belonging(歸屬感)in the library. One of the roles (職責)of Nora and Liam is to alert (提醒)students when a book on the waiting list is returned by inputting(輸入)update information into the school computer. They help to sort the returned books by categories(種類)and the school librarian, Miss Sezto, is responsible to put them back on shelves. 

Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19, the school was closed for months, like all other schools in Hong Kong. Now students can go back to school, but the library is still closed. Miss Sezto has been out of town(出埠)and was able to come back to Hong Kong only very recently(近期). She has to go through a quarantine(檢疫隔離)period of fourteen days. This is a preventive measure(預防措施)from the Hong Kong Government. Without Ms. Sezto, the books students returned are piling(疊放)up in heaps(一堆堆)on the floor. No one can walk through. Seeing this, the principal suggested closing down the library after the first week of school. What a dismay(氣餒)to Nora and Liam. They always have a thirst(渴望)for reading. 

Putting the books back on the shelves will simply provide a solution to the situation, but should Nora and Liam voice out(提出)to volunteer? They are students after all. Who should they speak with?

What would you do if you were Nora and Liam? 
  • I must know my place(懂分寸)in the first place. As a student, if I put back the books and made a mistake, I would be severely(嚴重地)blamed by whoever uses the library. Miss Sezto would not thank me for helping because it would be more work for her to rectify(矯正)my mistake(s). Also, it would be so very awkward(尷尬)to go directly to the principal as he did not even know me at all. I’d choose to keep my mouth shut and go to the nearest public library instead. 
  • There might be other students who also wanted to use the library. Though the principal might not know me before, I had nothing to lose to speak my mind(說出我的想法). Or I could ask my class teacher to ask the principal for me.