
“ I cannot focus with all the singing and chatting outside in the sitting room no matter how hard I try. Oh dear, it will be hours like this. How can I ever finish my homework ! ” 

Rosette is a very earnest(認真)girl, she cares for(關注)her studies a lot. Just that she also has ADD, which stands for Attention Deficit Disorder(注意力缺失症). She can be distracted(分心)by a fly flying by or the noise of a dripping tap (滴水的水龍頭). Music to her is also a distraction, she needs complete silence. Still, she works triple hard to overcome(克服)her symptoms(症狀). She has very high achievement at school. 

Rosette comes from a devoted(虔誠) Catholic family. Every third Saturday of the month, her parents organize a prayer meeting at home for other Catholic neighbours to worship(敬拜)together. After that, there is always a casual(簡單)dinner with simple food for fellowship(聯誼). Since they have no maid, her mother is the cook. She always starts preparing food after worshipping, which takes her an hour and a half. While she is cooking, the group will sing and talk, creating much noise, which of course disturbs Rosette from her revision. So every third Saturday night, Rosette knows she cannot focus and finds it a headache. Since the gathering starts at 6:30pm, one hour of worship, one and a half hours of chatting(mainly waiting for food). People then slowly disperse(散去)after ten. 

Rosette is always a generous(慷慨) person, and she doesn’t blame her parents for entertaining Christian neigbours. Of course God likes it when we share, whether it’s our place, food, time or our talent(才能). But she doesn’t know what to do if the flat is so noisy for the whole night.  

What would you do if you were Rosette? 
  • I’d honestly tell my parents to control the noise level and put on a headphone so I might cut off all the noise from the sitting room. I’d read out(讀出聲)everything I would be reading or writing so I could hear nothing but my own voice. 
  • Since I could not focus on my work anyway, I’d help my mom to prepare the simple dinner and once they finished worshipping, dinner could start immediately and they could leave earlier. This way I’d also make the neigbours feel more welcome.