
 “Let go of me!” Grace exclaimed(驚叫)and woke in the middle of a nightmare(惡夢). She was shivering(顫抖)all over and was sweating (冒汗). It was a big relief(解脫)to find out it was only a dream. She tried to go back to sleep but it was just impossible. The scary scenes kept popping up(出現)in Grace’s mind. There would be a Math test early the next morning. Without enough rest, Grace knew her performance would be severely(非常)affected. She could only think of two options. Crawling into her parents’ bed, she could find peace and could go back to sleep in no time, but she did not want her mom to think that she was still an immature(不成熟)girl. Staying in her own bed, she might just toss and turn(輾轉反側)till daybreak(天亮), but then her mother would not be able to tease(嘲弄)her at all. 


What would you do if you were Grace? 

  • I would wake my mom and inform her of the situation and my preference(選擇)to sleep with her. All parents are concerned about academic performance. If she’d laugh at me, I’d use the Math test to refrain(抑制)her from doing so. I’d make sure my emotion would not be stirred(使激動)and she should not say a word but to welcome me with open arms(非常歡迎)

  • I would wake my mom and discuss with her briefly(簡短地)the scenario(情況), I’d also seek her advice and let her choose the best solution for me. Perhaps I had been too narrow-minded(目光短淺)and there might be more ways to tackle(應對)the issue, for example, invite her to say a short prayer with me, or she could watch me sleep back before leaving my bedside… Asking for more options would always be a good method if I ever got stuck(無法)