

Happy New Year! On the last day at nursery last year, our little boy brought home some New Year handicraft. On the picture below this article, you can see his photo, a 2012 calendar, his handprint with five little snowmen, one on top of each finger, and a short poem which reads as follows:

There aren’t just 5 little snowmen as anyone can see,

I made them with my hands which is a part of me. 

So when I’m grown and older, you will look back and recall, 

the Christmas of 2011, when my hand was just this small!!!


Isn’t this a lovely poem? If you ask our little boy what he wants most, he will tell you that he wants to be as big as Daddy. 

Every one of us wants to start afresh and make new goals in our life. That is why we begin each year by making resolutions. Have you made yours yet? Before we decide on how we want 2012 to be different from 2011, let’s reflect on our strengths and weaknesses in academic performance, personality development and physical health in the past year first. Then set some specific and attainable goals for 2012 that you want to achieve. For example, I resolve to read a story book each month; I resolve to be nice to other kids; I resolve to limit computer games.

A study has shown that we can keep our resolutions if we break our goal into smaller steps and reward ourselves when we achieve one of these. Some other successful techniques include telling our family and friends about our goals and keeping a diary of our progress. Let’s hope that we can stick to our resolutions throughout the whole year.



New Year's Resolutions: 新年新決心

Strengths: 長處

Weaknesses: 弱點

Academic performance: 學業成績

Personality development: 人格發展