
Learning the use of English phrasal verbs 學習英文片語的運用

T: Thomas   MMark


M: Hello Thomas! I am so happy to bump into you again for the second time today! Just the right time and right place.


T: Hi Mark! It’s good to see you again, but why is it the right time and right place?


M: Because I’ve got a difficult text to summarise, and I must get it done soon. Can you help me?


T: Sure. Let me go over it.


M: How do you mean “go over”?


T: Please read through it first, instead of passing over it. That’s what I said


M: Oh, I see.


T: Should I go for it now?


M: You just said, “Go for it” ! What does that mean then?


T: Going for it means choosing to do that. OK. Let me go ahead with it and then get back to you right away.


M: Now, I can see that you are playing with phrasal verbs.


T: You are quite observant, Mark! Right. I said all that deliberately to make you get into the task. Now, you have a go at it yourself. And then I’ll tell you afterwards where you went wrong. OK?


M: Thanks. I’ll go through it now (nodding and smiling).


M: 你好Thomas!很高興今天第二次踫見你!真的是恰當的時間和地點。


T: 嗨Mark!再次見到你真好,不過,為甚麼你說是在恰當的時間和對的地方?


M: 因為我有一篇很難深的文章要做撮寫,我必須盡快完成。你能幫忙嗎?


T: 當然可以。讓我仔細看一看(go over)


M: 你所指的「go over」是甚麼意思?


T: 請你先仔細閱讀(read through ) , 而不是略讀(passing over)。這就是我的意思。


M: 噢,原來是這樣。


T: 現在我可以開始去做嗎﹖


M: 你剛才說「go for it」,它又是甚麼意思﹖


T: 「Go for it」意思是選擇這樣做。好吧,讓我繼續(go ahead)吧,然後馬上回答你。


M: 現在,我開始明白了,你正在玩英文短語文遊戲,對不對﹖


T: Mark,你的觀察力很好!對的。我故意說那些短語,是為了讓你理解文章的要旨。現在,你可以自己動手嘗試。之後我會告訴你哪裡出錯了。好嗎?


M: 謝謝。我現在將仔細再看看(點頭微笑)。