
Synonym— let's begin with phrasal verbs

認識同義詞 —— 由英文片語談起



T: Hello Freddy, it’s about time to call a meeting with our colleagues next Friday.

F: Oh, sorry. I’ve been busy with other things, other more pressing matters. Can we put off the meeting for another week? Or simply call it off?


T: You mean, postpone the meeting, or even cancel it?

F: Yes, yes, that’s what I mean. What do you think?


T: Well, we do need to meet. I can’t go along with your suggestion to call it off, cancelling it. We need to meet.

F: Well then, would you go for putting it off?


T: OK. Let’s postpone it for a week. That is, we’ll meet Friday week.


T: 哈囉Freddy,差不多時候跟我們的同事在下週五召開會議。

F: 哦,對不起。我一直忙於處理其他更緊迫的事情。我們可以將會議再推遲 (put off)一週嗎﹖或是乾脆取消(call off)


T: 你的意思是,推遲(postpone) 會議,甚至取消(cancel)會議

F: 是的,是的,這就是我的意思。你認為怎麼?


T: 我們確實需要開會。我不贊同你取消(call off / cancel)會議的建議。我們是需要開會的。

F: 那麼,你會推遲(put off)會議嗎?


T: 好的。讓我們推遲(postpone) 一週吧。也就是說,我們在週五見面。