kjy04_20221023b F

T : Thomas  F : Felix

To tell acronyms from other short forms 認識何謂首字母縮略詞

F : Hi Thomas! Good morning!

T : How are you doing lately, Felix?

F : Not bad, thanks.

T : I was so curious, what are you looking for on your phone?

F : I just received a list of English letters here sent to my phone, from my friend Peter, asking me to guess which ones are acronyms. Do take a look.

T : Ah right. Why don’t you read each one out aloud.

F : (saying each one aloud) SARS, COVID-19, LASER, WHO, IG, HSBC, KFC, WFH, RSVP, ASAP.

T : So, you’re saying all these letters one by one, but that’s not always the way people say some of them. We shouldn’t say all short forms by uttering each and every letter separately, like what you did. Take the first three you named. We should pronounce each of them like we pronounce any other English word, as a word in each case and not as separate letters. Take these three as examples: Sars; Covid nineteen; layser. These are called acronyms.

F : Very clear now. Thanks a lot

F :Thomas老師,早上好!

T : Felix,你近來好嗎?

F :不錯,謝謝。

T : 我很想知道,你在手機上找尋甚麼東西?

F :我的朋友Peter剛剛傳送了幾組英文字給我,叫我猜一猜哪些是「首字母縮略詞」(acronyms)。你看一看。

T : 原來如此。不如你順序大聲讀出來。

F :(大聲說出每一個字母)SARS,COVID-19, L A S E R , W H O , I G , H S B C , K F C , W F H , RSVP,ASAP。

T : 剛才你是將每組字逐個英文字母讀出來,但人們通常不會這樣讀的,把每一個單詞的英文字母逐個讀出來並不恰當,像你那樣。有些詞應該用平日處理英文單詞的讀法(即以一個詞為單位)去發音,譬如首三個例子:Sars;Covid nineteen; Layser它們都稱為「首字母縮略詞」

F :我現在明白了。謝謝。