kjy04_20221009 B F

Special use of " from" in " working from home " 如何運用Working from home

 T : Thomas  J : Jason


J : Excuse me, sir. Have you seen Miss Chan today? I just tried to find her in her office, but she wasn’t there.


T : Hi Jason. Miss Chan is working from home today. Are you looking for her for some business?


J : Right. But why are you saying that she is working from home? Why aren’t you saying that she is working at home, since she is clearly at home, isn’t she?


T : Haha, good question Jason. I can assure you : Miss Chan is really working from home now. This is a common English expression to indicate that, thanks to IT, someone is able to work away from the office or workplace. The preposition from in this case isn’t referring to a place or location, but rather to how she works. On the other hand, the expresion “working at home” is using the preposition at to refer to a place : her home. Can you tell the difference now?


J : Yes, very clear sir. I look forward to more from you sir next time.


J : 老師,你好, 你今天見過陳老師嗎? 我剛才去了她的辦公室卻找不到她。


T : H i  J a s o n , 陳老師今天遙距辦公w o r k i n g f r o m home),你有甚麼事找她?


J : 為何你說她「working from home」而不是「working at home」? 陳老師現在明明是在家工作,不是嗎?


T : 哈哈,Jason你問得好好。我向你保證,陳老師是在家工作。「遙距辦公」(working from home) 是英文慣用語,意指透過資訊科技在辦公室之外的處所工作——可以在家中或者其他地方。在這種情況下,介詞from不是指一個地方或地點,而是指她的工作方式

反觀,「working at home」是另一種表達方式,使用介詞at來指出工作的處所——在家裡工作。現在,你能夠區分到兩者的分別嗎﹖


J : 我明白了,非常清晰。下次再向老師請教。