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T: Thomas   J: Joe


J: Good morning Sir! And Good day Sir!


T: Morning Joe! Why did you say good day? Do you know what it means?


J: Yes, the same as good morning, or good afternoon.


T: Wrong, Joe. "Good day" in English doesn’t refer to a form of greeting. It’s rather a form of wish, wishing someone a good day, usually expressed at the point of parting. Maybe you heard something like that from your friend Peter, as he is learning German, I gather. In German “Guten Tag” means good day and it’s a common form of greeting that can be used all day long in Germany and Austria. But there is no counterpart in English.


J: I see. Thank you sir for the explanation. I have to go now. “Good Day” sir!



J: 早晨,老師!Good day


T: 早晨Joe!為甚麼你會說Good day?你明白Good day的意思嗎?


J: 我明白啊,意思跟good morning 或 good afternoon一樣。


T: 不是這樣的,Joe。英語中「Good day」不是用來打招呼的。反而是一份祝福,祝福某人有美好的一天,通常是道別時表達。可能你曾經從Peter口中聽過類似的說法,我知道他正在學習德文。在德文,「Guten Tag」意味著「美好的一天」,這種問候方式在德國、奧地利十分常見, 可以整天使用。但是在英語裡面就沒有對應的表達。


J: 原來如此。 多謝老師的講解。我現在要走了,「Good Day」老師 !