
Pearls are small, lustrous round objects which are formed inside the shell of a pearl oyster. They are used to make precious jewellery. If we cast pearls before swine, how will the swine react? Since swine need a lot of feed, they will behave aggressively and fight among themselves if they go hungry. 

The proverb has a biblical origin from the Gospel of Matthew7:6. 

Jesus advised his disciples: " Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot, and turn and tear you to pieces. " 

While Jesus's disciples should preach to all people on earth, Jesus warned them to exercise right judgement because some people might not appreciate the Word of God and turn to ridicule God.

Nowadays, if you say that someone is casting pearls before swine, you mean that they are offering something that is valuable to someone who does not appreciate its value. This expression is usually used in its negative form as an admonition

Don't cast pearls before swine. He won't listen to your good advice. 

珍珠是在珠蚌殼內形成的細小而富有光澤的圓滑物體。它們被用來做寶貴的首飾。如果我們把珍珠丟在豬前(cast pearls before swine),豬會有何反應?由於豬需要大量飼料,要是牠們肚子餓,就會變得兇悍、互相打架。




現今如果你說某人casting pearls before swine,你的意思是他們把珍貴的東西送給人家,但人家卻不懂得其價值。這個語句通常使用否定形式來表示勸告: 

對牛彈琴(cast pearls before swine)。他不會聽取你的金玉良言。 

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