
While international studies have shown that Hong Kong students perform well in reading, mathematics and science, the " spoon-feeding " approach in the education system is still a great concern. 

Literally speaking, to spoon-feed someone means to give them food with a spoon. This expression normally applies to babies and toddlers, who only need to swallow the food on the spoon. 

Its figurative use was first found in a poetry collection by an English poet, Robert Browning, in 1864. 

" So, minds at first must be spoon-fed with truth. " 

Nowadays this term is widely used in the domain of education to describe mechanical drilling, rote memorisation, and passive learning. To spoon-feed students means to give them information and answers to the extent that they do not need to do any analysis or exploration but only memorisation of facts. 

There are different views on the spoon-feeding culture. While some people think that taking initiative and critical thinking are in children's best interests, some argue that spoon-feeding of learning materials may lead to better exam results. What do you think? 


從字面意義來說,to spoon-feed someone的意思是用匙子給他們餵食物。這個說法通常適用於嬰幼兒,因為他們只需吞下匙子上的食物。


“So, minds at first must be spoon-fed with truth.” 

今天,這個術語在教育領域廣泛用來形容機械式操練死記硬背和被動學習。To spoon-feed students的意思就是倚重給予學生資料和答案,以至於他們無需做任何分析或探究,而只需記誦事實。


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