
" Is she really in need of help or is she just cheating me ? " 

Marionette was on her way home after school. Just when she stepped out of the MTR turnsile (轉閘機), there came(迎面而來)a lady with an empty stroller (嬰兒車)in one hand, a toddler (小孩)in the other, and on her back was another baby dozing off(半睡). 

The flustered(慌亂)lady approached(接近)Marionette and sought(尋求)for help. She explained that she was supposed to meet her husband but had been waiting for over an hour. She claimed that her mobile phone went out of battery(電池). With two kids and a stroller, she asked for money so she could go home by taxi and would not have to ride on the MTR. She was not asking for much, just thirty dollars which was totally affordable(付得起) . Marionette could have just given her the money as a kind gesture(姿態). She has been taught by her parents that she should be helping people if it is within her capability(能力). Yet, Marionette was uncertain (不肯定)if she should give help by giving money. She hesitated(不肯定)for a while. The lady upon seeing her reaction( 反應)quickly reiterated( 反覆講) her urgency. Marionette's hesitation was reasonable(合理). If this was just a plot(陰謀)to cheat people, she should not foster(助長)that.  

What would you do if you were Marionette? 
  • Instead of giving the lady the full amount of $30, I’d just give her ten, so if she was really in need, I had helped her a little. To play safe, I’d not let her have any of my contact, name or number, and I’d not ask for the money to be returned. 
  • I’d ask her for her husband’s mobile number and use my own phone to call him to let him know his wife’s location and situation. If she refused my offer, I’d just walk away. I’d politely tell the lady that I would notify the information desk and let the staff come help her out. I’d not judge whether she was really in need or just a crook(騙子).