
" Why is the lift stopping at almost every floor ? I will be so late !" 

It's the annual(年度)Sports Day today and Owen has to travel to another district for the event. In the morning, his mother listened to the news and learned that there was a bad traffic jam(交通擠塞)and brought to Owen's attention(提醒Owen)that he had to leave some buffer(儲備時間)so as to arrive without delay(延遲). Owen had so much to pack and bring while the clock ticked the minutes(時鐘滴答滴答地報時). He checked an app on his cell phone that the bus he needed to ride on would be coming in a few minutes. He just had to flee(匆忙離開)and rush to the bus stop as fast as possible, otherwise waiting for the next bus would take another 15 minutes. 

As Owen lives on the top level(頂層)of the building, the lift of course arrives empty all the time, so getting in is never a problem. But Owen did not know there are so many more neighbours leaving at the same time just half an hour later than his usual hour. The lift stopped at a good number of(好多)floors and was quite packed. Each time the lift stopped, Owen's heart sank(沉)a little. When it reached the fourth floor, the door swung(打開)open again. This time there was an old man in a wheel chair and a caretaker(照顧者)was trying to push the wheelchair in. The caretaker made a few attempts(幾次嘗試)but failed to manipulate(控制)the wheelchair. She was not giving up though. Owen had ants in his pants(心急如焚), and he had to do something in order not to miss the bus.  

What would you do if you were Owen ? 
  • I'd tell the caretaker most politely that the lift was full and request her to wait for the next round. 
  • I'd just leave the lift and let them in and I’d run at my top speed(最快速度)down the stairs to the lobby and flee for the bus stop. On one hand, I’d not have to waste time to explain, the other, I’d be doing a kind act making people feel good.