
400 400 主保
哲學家主保── 聖猶思定
400 400 心讀
你是個做事有條不紊的人嗎?還是那種丟三落四、混亂一片的人?那是因為能力的問題,還是出於態度?有沒有想過我們在天主的眼中是怎樣的?這次我會介紹一個關於兩隻豬的故事,他們將要見天主,且看天主跟他們說了些甚麼。 Sidney 和 Norman 是兩隻豬,他們是鄰居,但性格和能力就有天淵之別。Norman 無論在生活或事業上都井井有條、成就非凡。他自覺是一頭很優秀的豬,覺得天主肯定也非常喜愛自己,有時候還會抱怨其他豬為甚麼不像他那般努力。Norman 在街上行走時也顯得趾高氣揚,打從心裡看不起其他的豬。對 Sidney 來說,生活一點也不輕易,他有時候會睡過頭,跟不上時間表。家裡總是凌亂一片,無論在學業或工作上,他的表現都乏善可陳,走在街上時也會垂頭喪氣,他想像天主一定不喜歡他。Sidney 羨慕鄰居 Norman,卻沒有能力像他一樣成功出眾。一天,他倆分別接到與天主會面的邀請。Norman滿心歡喜, 想像天主一定是要嘉獎和表揚他;Sidney 一臉愁容,害怕面對天主。天主與 Norman 見面時,首先對他說「我愛你」, 然後解釋愛他並不是因為他的出眾表現,還提醒Norman不可驕傲、自私和看輕其他能力較弱的豬,因天主同樣喜愛他們。Norman滿臉意外,霎時間接受不來,到靜下來時他開始反省,在待人接物上也產生了變化。天主其後接見Sidney,他緊張得發抖,但天主只是微笑著對他說了三次「我愛你」。Sidney 對這出人意表的結果感到很驚訝,離開時他心中充滿愛和自信, 昂首闊步的回到家中。 共讀指引 跟孩子閱讀故事時,不妨代入兩位主角,讓孩子感受Sidney的擔憂和Norman的傲慢,這有助深化孩子對故事的理解和增加同理心。每個人的能力各有差異,性格也有不同,但天主都愛我們。這種無條件的愛使我們相信自己是有價值的。天主愛我們,在生活中我們也有自己所愛的人,我們愛並不因對方做了些甚麼了不起的事,而是衷心愛這個人,因為他就是他。家長也可藉故事跟孩子「示愛」,明明心中視對方如珠如寶,卻因害羞或吝嗇而不把愛意宣諸於口,對方又怎會明瞭呢?生活是磨人的,難免有困難和挫折,只有靠著自知被愛的信念, 才能克服重重困難,繼續自信滿滿的走下去。 童心讀繪本-哥兒倆讀過繪本,分享了他們的看法:  我認為我在日常生活中比較粗心大意, 有點像Sidney。這應該不是能力的問題,而是我對生活細節不太在意,相信我也有能力改善的。我相信天主愛我,走在街上時,有時我也會垂下頭來,但並不是感到垂頭喪氣,而是因為在看手提電話。  我認為Norman實在太驕傲了,經常看不起其他豬,現實生活中也有很多Norman,經常吹噓誇大自己的成就,擺出一副了不起的姿態,其實我覺得他們是因為缺乏自信,所以要不斷表現自己,期望得到別人的認同。如果真正具有實力的話,根本不用吹噓誇大,別人也自會看得到。 《Sidney and Norman: A Tale of Two Pigs》 作者    : Phil Vischer 繪者    : Justin Gerard 出版社: Thomas Nelson ISBN    : 9781400308347    捐款支持公教報  http://kkp.org.hk/donation   
Neither East Nor West
Third Commandment Keep holy the Sabbath Day.
   What day of the week is Sabbath?  The original Sabbath refers to the seventh day rest of Gen. 2:2 because God saw everything was good. Because of this religious notion of taking time to enjoy what is good, Western cultures have the practice of taking a day off from work to enjoy what the work brings. The word “sabbatical” comes from this notion of taking a break in order to be refreshed.  There are two things we need to keep in mind. First, the Jewish people consider a day, again from Gen. 1, to begin with sundown and ends at sundown the next day. Second, our Sunday is their first day of the week. Thus, in John 20:1, “On the first day of the week.....”, every first day is Easter, Sunday. So, for us, Sunday is the real first day of the week even though we feel that Monday as the first day.  On the Sabbath, the Jewish people begin their observation at home. Their Friday evening meal takes on a prayerful nature. Parents would often say a prayer of blessing over their children. The Jewish people would then go to the synagogue, their word for church, to celebrate the gift of community. This may take place Friday evening or Saturday morning. Nevertheless, the community is the extension of the family.  There are a number of references in the Acts of the Apostles mentioning that the early Church continued to observe Sabbath at the synagogue and then gotten together to celebrate the Breaking of the Bread on the first day of the week. Historically they did this until after 70 A.D. when Jewish Christians were no longer allowed to go to the synagogues. They then combined the two parts: the reading of scripture and praying of the psalms with the Breaking of the Bread, now called the Eucharist. They then naturally incorporated the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles in what we now call the Liturgy of the Word. St. Justin the Martyr described this in a writing dating to 155 A.D. (CCC 1345)  From then on, Christians no longer observe the Sabbath but the Lord’s Day. And so do we.  Another noteworthy citation is from the Gospel. Lk. 4:16 “He came to Nazareth, where He had grown up, and went according to His custom into the synagogue on the Sabbath day.” When people tells me that they do not go to church on Sundays because they don’t get anything out of it, I tell them that Jesus probably didn’t get much out of it either. I am certain that He would rather take time with the Father on His own, which He did often. Yet He went on the Sabbath not for Himself but for the community. So, we do the same and pray on our own at other times.  One thing that has always bothered me about being Chinese is that we work so hard. Most Chinese businesses will open on Sundays, at least part of the day. When I was growing up, my dad had to work every other Sunday. He did make it a point that when he was off everybody had to be there to spend the day with him. Now, when we look back, we treasure those memories: things we did, places we went. I still have the pictures when we used to go to the Peak and spend half the day there.    If our family is God’s first gift to us, we have to spend them to appreciate them. So is our parish family. 
400 400 專題報導
跟隨基督 喜獲新生 小學III區教職員慕道團 以愛傳信 2
Justin老師•黃良凱   力行福傳  實踐愛主愛人      (續上頁)「Justin」並非荃灣天主教小學黃良凱老師的英文名字,而是他的聖名。「理論上,我明白洗禮後我便成為新人,但禮儀前我並沒有太大的感受」,黃老師回想。直到正式施行洗禮的一刻,「神父為我施洗時, 以我的聖名稱呼我: 『Justin,我因父及子及聖神之名給你付洗』。」他續道,「從未有人公開用這名字稱呼我,這是第一次。我由這新名字體會到我真正成為一個新人,以後,我更加要做好自己。」 起初,黃老師只是希望選一個以英文字母「J」開始的名字作聖名,配合家人的英文名字,當時並無深究聖猶思定 (St. Justin) 的事跡。經翻查資料後,黃老師認識到聖猶思定身為哲學家在神學和護教方面的貢獻,更是一位殉道聖人。他認為主保聖人的生平為他是十分重要的提醒,「他為信仰犧牲了生命,這提醒我作為公教老師,應該致力福傳,以天主教的教育理念培育下一代。」 轉至天主教學校任教,黃老師才接觸天主教信仰。「以往認為天主教很制度化、很嚴肅,轉校後才發現自己有很多不認識的地方。」他表示,在慕道的路途上,禮儀、教理、靈性方面均得益不少,走了十八個月,終於領洗,「這標誌著我正式加入教會,成為耶穌的門徒;但這並非終結,而是開始。」 黃老師亦會以聖經故事,教導學生們正確的行為和態度,「例如學生們經常互相指摘,我會告訴他們『耶穌憐憫淫婦』(若8)的故事,讓他們設身處地作反思。」展望將來,黃老師希望推動更多學生成為教友, 「我相信學生看到老師活出基督,他們也會被感染。」 黃老師深信福傳由家庭做起,他兩名分別兩歲和五歲的兒子,亦於今年復活節領洗。對於是否讓孩子領洗,黃老師表示曾經猶豫,「既然我自己也接受了這份恩寵,那為甚麼我不讓孩子領洗?雖然他們現在未必認識天主,但我相信領洗讓他們踏前一步。」(澄)         該慕道團於2011年成立,由孫英峯神父和龔偉南神父擔任神師,導師為7名聖神修院宗教學部畢業生,包括林社鈴終身執事及劉惠蘭修女等。慕道團原以聚集區內尚未真正認識耶穌基督的教育工作者為目標,廣泛邀請後反應熱烈,收到來自不同區域的中、小、幼老師報名。在神長和導師帶領下,他們一同探索福音,並分享來自耶穌基督的天主教教育精神。23名學員接受收錄,16名於今年復活節領洗。      一個獨特的聚會 過去一年多,約60位天主教學校的教職員,每星期在三個不同的地區,共同為認識天主教信仰而相聚。今年復活節,25名成員接受聖洗聖事。 教區教育事務處主教代表助理葉成標與本報分享這份喜樂:這些來自不同學校的教職員,願意以開放的態度,了解天主教信仰,從而體會天主教辦學的理念。更令人印象深刻的是這三個分布於港島區、九龍中及新界西的慕道班,誕生的經過凝聚了愛心的動力:無論那是由導師自發召集,或是學員自組邀請導師, 他們都在一個有共同工作背景的慕道班裡,體會天主的愛。 此外,還有一些教職員持續參與堂區開辦的慕道班,在邁向認識天主的路上共同努力。(睿)